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UTA: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

What is a UTA?

An Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) is an undergraduate student that attends their assigned General Engineering class and holds tutoring hours for students outside of the class session. Since the UTAs are also undergraduate students, they understand the problems and relate to the experiences of the students being tutored. Being a UTA is a paid position, and most UTAs work around 8-10 hours each week. To become a UTA, students must have earned an A or B in their enrolled General Engineering courses and hold a GPA of at least a 3.0.

UTA Hours:

UTA Hours are offered for ENGR classes during weeknight evenings in HOLTZ B03. See below for specific course hours. 

  • ENGR 1410: Monday-Thursday 7-10 PM
  • ENGR 1020/1520: Tuesday/Thursday 7-10 PM
  • ENGR 2080: Tuesday-Wednesday 7-10 PM
  • ENGR 2100: Tuesday/Thursday 7-10 PM


How can I become a UTA?

Students can become a UTA if they:

  • Have an interest in helping others
  • Received an A or B in any of the following courses at Clemson:
    • ENGR 1020 (or 1050/1060/1510/1520)
    • ENGR 1410 (or 1070/1080/1090/1640)
    • ENGR 2080/2100
  • Hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Attained the academic rank of Sophomore
  • Are NOT enrolled as a General Engineering Major (i.e., have placed into their intended major, like mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, etc.)