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Student Awards | MSE

Congratulations to the Award Winners:

MSE Department 2022 Award Winners

Arabella Hunter received the Gilbert Robinson Research Award.

Annika DeVol received the Robert Knight Eaton Award.

John Nickles received the Robert Bendheim Award.

Joshua Willoughby received the Robert S. Small Award.

Connor Logan received the Hugh Wilson Award.

Marissa Robinson received the Clifford Fain Award for showing the most perseverance under adversity.

Student Organization Winners

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists:  Jordan Crooks

Material Advantage Service Award:  Joshua Willoughby

Materials Research Society Leadership Award:  Erik Antonio

Phi Psi Senior of the Year:  Noah McPherson

Phi Psi Faculty of the Year:  Vincent Blouin

Phi Psi Staff of the Year:  Diane Swope