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Institute For Engaged Aging

Community Outreach



IEA and SC-ADRC Outreach

Healthy Aging Resources


Learn about preventive care and how to maintain your health and well-being.


Discover valuable information about the IEA and our events.


Explore current research opportunities that could benefit your health.


Ask questions and gain insights into healthy aging and staying active.

We are looking for dedicated volunteers!

Healthy Aging Resources

IEA and SC-ADRC staff and faculty are dedicated to enhancing social engagement, increasing health knowledge, and strengthening connections between older adults and the service providers in their community.

Engaging older adults is central to the IEA mission. We aim to build a strong community and encourage active participation.

Institute for Engaged Aging Logo

South Carolina Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
  • Fall Prevention Program

    IEA Fall Prevention classes feature the evidence-based A Matter of Balance (MOB) program to reduce the risk of falls.

    The program will include group discussions, exercise and assertiveness training, mutual problem-solving, role-play activities, and homework assignments.

    Introducing new classes starting January 2025. Stay tuned for more details!

    Interested in the Fall Prevention Program or want to register?  Please e-mail us at

  • Health Coaches for Hypertension Control

    The aim of Health Coaches for Hypertension Control is to improve hypertension self-management through small-group educational sessions and support offered by trained Health Coaches. Goals include:

    • Increasing knowledge about hypertension self-management
    • Increasing the stage of readiness to make lifestyle changes required for successful self-management
    • Promoting behavior changes in nutrition, physical activity, stress management, tobacco use, and medication management.

    Contact: Cheryl Dye,

    Click for more information

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us in our community outreach events.

    If you’re interested in volunteering with us, please contact us at

    Thank you for considering this opportunity to help!

  • Outreach: Mobile Outreach Health Resource Fair

    Our Mobile Health Resource Fairs (MOHRFs) are designed to engage residents within their community. To achieve this, we select centralized and convenient locations that minimize transportation challenges for older adults.

    Recognizing that older adults have diverse needs and concerns, the MOHRF goals include raising awareness about specific concerns of older adult populations and identifying corresponding resource providers to present information about and address these concerns.

    If you want to learn more or participate in one of our MOHRF, please reach out to us at

  • Give to the IEA

    Your contribution to the Institute for Engaged Aging will promote initiatives enabling older adults to engage in family and community living communities regardless of their social, economic, or health status. Your gift will support critical research, educational programs, and community outreach that meet the needs of a diverse older adult population in the state and region. Make your gift today!

    Clemson University Foundation
    P.O. Box 1889
    Clemson, SC 29633-1889

    Be sure to include “Institute for Engaged Aging” in the memo line to designate your gift!

  • Join the PALS Network

    PALS connects researchers with people willing to help advance the field of healthy aging across the lifespan. Research areas include health and well-being, driving and mobility, physical and cognitive exercise, and more!

    When you join PALS, we will send you opportunities to take part in research, plus news on healthy aging in South Carolina and beyond. Your information will remain safe and private.

    Join us

Upcoming Events

    People at events hosted by the Clemson Institute for engaged aging
    Department of Psychology
    Department of Psychology | 418 Brackett Hall