Placing the work of CR+DC in context, our projects target threads of importance adhering to the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition of a healthy city or community as "one that is safe with affordable housing and accessible transportation systems, work for all who want to work, a healthy and safe environment with a sustainable ecosystem and offers access to health care services which focus on prevention and staying healthy." These threads, as defined by the CR+DC, Dwelling, Resilient Networks, Agrarian, Constructive Learning, and Service, became mandatory differentiators for our project and activity selection.
Creating an internal culture built around these themes continues to bolster the CR+DC's mantra of supporting the Land Grant values and Service-Learning. Many of the CR+DC's activities bridge the academic studio and the creative research agendas of participating faculty. Aspiring to this high level of integration ensures that the developed Means + Methods and academic Core Competencies are both leveraged for success and purposefully improved upon.
B.A. in Architecture from UNC Charlotte
M.Arch from Clemson University
Dan is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Community Design+Build and serves as the director of the Community Research and Design Center (CR+DC) and the Architecture + communityBUILD graduate certificate program (A+cB), striving to ensure that South Carolina communities intently embrace the social, economic, and environmental pillars of sustainability.
In 2013, DesignIntelligence named Harding as one of the thirty most influential design educators in the country, citing the impact of his community-centric work. He was also named the Robert Mills Professor at Clemson for 2015/16.