The Community Research + Design Center (CR+DC) will lead all Clemson University centers in service-learning projects focused on community-based public interest design, student engagement, and sustainable design research that emphasizes reciprocal partnerships through collaborative, critical and creative thinking.
True to the nature of our land-grant heritage, the Community Research + Design Center (CR+DC) confidently navigates communities and stakeholders in South Carolina including Clemson University through social, economic, and environmental design issues. All CR+DC projects target at least one of the following areas of emphasis: advanced materials, transportation, general education, family and community living, information and communication technology, leadership and entrepreneurship, and/or the sustainable environment. The CR+DC asserts that design is a social justice and project criteria and will address the aforementioned emphasis areas while also assessing the public impact these desgin strategies and proposed solutions will have on our greater communities.
The human experience, coupled with how the built and natural environments will be mutually shaped, is the key focus with all projects; thus, the CR+DC incorporates the following in its approach:
+Service Learning - ensuring all projects are community-based and employ a student engagement componenet from stakeholder consensus, sustainable programming, planning+design to design+build.
+Partnerships and Relationships - developing strong, trusting and enduring community relationships while also embracing industry and professional partners to ensure market viability and economic sustainability.
+Appropriate scale and usefulness - engaging community research and design from the macro to the micro; from the stakeholder community visioning charretts, including brand development, master plan and landscape development in addition to architecture schematic design and building performance, to the specific and humanistic small scale product design projects including design+build installations.