Faculty Leadership
Executive Director
Dr. Kim E. Alexander is Clemson University's founding Executive Director of the Institute for Global Road Safety and Security (CU-IGRSS). She is a faculty member in the College of Engineering and Science and also reports to the Vice President of Research. Dr. Alexander leads an interdisciplinary team of researchers and educators focused on the human-vehicle-road interface.
Dr. Alexander has been with Clemson University for 27 years and holds BS and MEd degrees with an EdD degree focusing on curriculum development and risk perception training from Clemson University. A nationally and internationally known leader in road safety, Dr. Alexander is committed to road safety and traffic injury prevention, and dedicated to teaching children and adults to embrace a lifestyle of safety and health. Dr. Alexander is a C5/6 quadriplegic and in a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury she sustained as a passenger in a single vehicle, run-off-road crash in 1979.
Dr. Alexander's primary research interests include attitudinal, cognitive, behavioral, cultural, and social aspects and underlying forces related to road users with the goal of enhancing the safety of the human-vehicle-road environment. As a researcher and educator, she is working to conduct critical research and create new teaching and outreach program capabilities to address the broader challenges of road safety by developing effective interventions and products.
Dr. Alexander's research has crossed the boundaries of traditional transportation safety education and includes studies on the influence of risk perception training on road safety education programs and behavioral influence program development for particular subpopulations (including children, young and novice drivers, college age, and military personnel). She has conducted research for both private industry and federal agencies and has served as a paper reviewer for journals and conferences.
Dr. Alexander has a strong interest in the synergy of research, teaching, as well as public and private partnerships to address the global public health and development burden of road traffic crashes. She is author and co-author of numerous publications, patents, and technical reports and has served as PI and Co-PI on grant awards totaling over $5 million.
Contact Information:
Office: D-141 Poole Agricultural Center
Office Phone: 864.656.0664
Email: kalxndr@clemson.edu

Director of Research
Philip Pidgeon holds BA and DMin degrees with an EdD degree focusing on curriculum development and educational leadership from Clemson University. As an educator and researcher, his work investigates the attitudinal, behavioral, cognitive, social, and cultural aspects of road traffic injury prevention, with an eye toward developing effective interventions to enhance the safety of the human-vehicle-road environment. His research experience ranges from studies on the influence of leadership training on road safety education programs to behavioral influence program development for specific subpopulations (including children, young drivers, and military personnel). Dr. Pidgeon's expertise includes teacher training, leadership development, education research, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation in road safety.
Contact Information:
Office: D-140 Poole Agricultural Center
Office Phone: 864.656.5613
Email: ppidgeo@clemson.edu