Realizing Improved Patient Care through Human-Centered Design in the Operating Room (RIPCHD.OR)
This 4-year grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality supports the development of a learning lab focused on designing a safer, more ergonomic operating room. Sponsor: Agency for Healthcare Research Quality Project period: 9/1/15 to 8/31/19 Project Description: The overarching goal of the learning lab titled, “Realizing Improved Patient Care through Human-Centered Design in the Operating Room (RIPCHD.OR) is to develop an evidence-based framework and methodology for the design and operation of operating rooms such that it impacts improved perioperative outcomes including surgical site infections, surgical errors and staff injuries.
RIPCHD.OR Volume 1 RIPCHD.OR Volume 2 RIPCHD.OR Volume 3
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Health Facilities Design and Testing
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Health Facilities Design and Testing | Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634