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Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research

Mentor Resources

Travel Grants

The Creative Inquiry program offers competitive grants to support CI undergraduate student teams to travel and present their CI research at professional conferences. These grants must be submitted for the CI project in which the CI research was completed (i.e., if you have multiple CI projects, you must submit multiple requests if all projects are presenting).

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Delphine Dean CI Rag
Stack of Journals

Support for Publication Costs

CI project mentors have the opportunity to apply for a maximum of $1,500 to offset publication costs for their projects. Each CI project is limited to one application per year. You must have matching funds (from your department, grant, etc).

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Supplemental Funding

We recognize that some projects have a greater cost than what typical CI funding can support. We welcome you to submit an application for supplemental funding.

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Students working in a garden
3D print of Cooper Library bridge

Assistance with Grant Proposals

Writing a grant proposal? Talk to us about how to include CI and to use CI data in your proposal. Complete this form to request a letter of support or collaboration.

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Check out our Services form to find out what services CI offers to the Clemson campus and community. We offer posters and easels, DSLR cameras, GoPros, Lighting Kits to CI teams for use on their projects.

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FOCI 2023
Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research
Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research | Watt Family Innovation Center 405 S. Palmetto Blvd, Suite 303 Clemson, SC 29634-5733