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Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research

Carr Family Endowment

Carr Family Endowment

Each year applications will be accepted for the Carr Family Endowed CI. This award will provide up to $4000 for one year to enhance eligible research projects.

New or existing CIs are eligible to apply. Projects must focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • Rural Economic Development
  • Rural Community/Business Development
  • Fruit, Vegetable/Crop production
  • Production Agriculture Industries

Submit an Application

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Chalmers III and Lori Anne Carr

Carr Family Endowed CI + UR Projects

Peach Package of the Future

Peach Package of the Future

The Peach Package of the Future Creative Inquiry project, led by Dr. Andrew Hurley from the Department of Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences, worked on developing an innovative package to better market peaches to future generations of shoppers.
Click here to view the article

Creating a Healthy Hub for SC Rural Communities

Creating a Healthy Hub for SC Rural Communities

The Creating a Health Hub for SC Rural Communities: Prosperity, SC Creative Inquiry project is feeding minds and bodies with education and nutrition. The project is led by Dr. Kirby Player, Coordinator of the Palmetto LEAF (Leadership for the Environment, Agriculture and Forestry) program and lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Sciences.
Click here to view the article

Breaking Bud: Environmental Control of Bloom Time in Peaches

Breaking Bud: Environmental Control of Bloom Time in Peaches

To investigate the budding and blooming cycle, Dr. Douglas Bielenberg in the Department of Biological Sciences and his Creative Inquiry team are tracking the specific time of bud break in different varieties of peaches.
Click here to view the article

Characterization of Aromas and Health Benefiting Chemical of SC Peaches

Characterization of Aromas and Health Benefiting Chemical of SC Peaches

With help from the Nutraceutical and Functional Foods Research and Product Development Creative Inquiry project, South Carolina peach farmers can boast that consuming their peaches has health benefits. Led by Dr. Feng Chen from the Department of Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences, the team studied the chemicals in South Carolina peaches to determine how one of the state’s major agricultural products benefits its consumers.
Click here to view the article

Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research
Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research | Watt Family Innovation Center 405 S. Palmetto Blvd, Suite 303 Clemson, SC 29634-5733