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Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research

Student Information

CI + UR for Undergraduate Students

Creative Inquiry projects offer students the opportunity to engage in long term, team-based projects with an emphasis on undergraduate research but include other academic engagement opportunities (e.g., service-learning, outreach, global engagement, entrepreneurship). Participating in a CI project often leads to citable accomplishments, such as presentations at professional society conferences and publication citations in professional, peer-reviewed publications.

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Students Researching an Oyster Bed

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Current CI Projects

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Other Opportunities

Click on the link below to learn about off-campus research and other opportunities.

Dr. Jessica Larsen

“You get to the reality of the situation that undergraduate students are just as valuable as graduate students, and I think it’s very unique to this campus and very unique to this program”

Dr. Jessica Larsen
CI + UR Mentor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

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Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research
Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research | Watt Family Innovation Center 405 S. Palmetto Blvd, Suite 303 Clemson, SC 29634-5733