Summer CI + UR Mentor Information
The Summer CI + UR Program offers Clemson undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in research for 10 weeks over the summer under the guidance of a faculty mentor. To apply for this competitive award, students must be nominated by CI mentors and then are asked to complete an application. Student recipients of the Summer CI + UR award receive a stipend for their summer work. Nominations are closed..

2024 Summer CI + UR Mentors

- College of Agriculture, Forestry & Life SciencesGregory Batt, PhD
Food, Nutrition, and Packaging SciencesJoanna Fiddler, PhD
Food, Nutrition, and Packaging SciencesRussell Kyle Barrett, PhD
Forestry and Environmental ConservationAlthea Hagan, PhD
Forestry and Environmental ConservationCathy Jachowski, PhD
Forestry and Environmental ConservationDavid Jachowski, PhD
Forestry and Environmental ConservationMarzieh Motallebi, PhD
Forestry and Environmental ConservationCo-Mentors
Miriam Boucher
Forestry and Environmental ConservationJoshua Holbrook
Forestry and Environmental Conservation - College of Architecture, Art and ConstructionThomas Schurch, PhD
School of Architecture - College of Arts and HumanitiesNancy Paxton-Wilson, PhD
EnglishAmanda Regan, PhD
History and Geography - College of Behavioral, Social & Health SciencesShubham Agrawal, PhD
PsychologyKaileigh Byrne, PhD
PsychologyEric McKibben, PhD
PsychologyIrene Pericot Valverde, PhD
PsychologyMarissa Shuffler , PhD
PsychologyDustin Souders, PhD
PsychologyHeidi Zinzow, PhD
Psychology - College of BusinessAnastasia Thyroff, PhD
Department of MarketingPatrick Warren, PhD
John E. Walker Department of Economics - College of Engineering, Computing & Applied SciencesAngela Alexander, PhD
BioengineeringDelphine Dean, PhD
BioengineeringJohn D DesJardins, PhD
BioengineeringHeather Dunn, PhD
BioengineeringReed Gurchiek, PhD
BioengineeringMelinda Harman, PhD
BioengineeringJohnell Brooks, PhD
Campbell Grad Engr ProgramMarc Birtwistle, PhD
Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringScott M Husson, PhD
Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringJessica Larsen, PhD
Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringAdam Melvin, PhD
Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringMark Roberts, PhD
Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringJon Calhoun, PhD
Electrical and Computer EngineeringD. Matthew Boyer, PhD
Engineering and Science EducationEliza Gallagher, PhD
Engineering and Science EducationKaren High, PhD
Engineering and Science EducationMatthew Voigt, PhD
Engineering and Science EducationScott E Brame, PhD
Environmental Engineering and Earth SciencesJackie Cha, PhD
Industrial EngineeringDavid Neyens, PhD
Industrial EngineeringKonstantin Kornev, PhD
Materials Science and EngineeringOlin Mefford, PhD
Materials Science and EngineeringXiangchun Xuan, PhD
Mechanical EngineeringFederico Iuricich, PhD
School of ComputingMert Pese, PhD
School of ComputingCo-Mentors
Jordon Gilmore
BioengineeringDiego Nigoa
BioengineeringCongyue Peng
BioengineeringMadison Sexton
Bioengineering - College of ScienceJuan Antonio Baeza Migueles, PhD
Biological SciencesSharon Bewick, PhD
Biological SciencesRichard Blob, PhD
Biological SciencesBarbara Campbell, PhD
Biological SciencesMichael Childress, PhD
Biological SciencesQing Liu, PhD
Biological SciencesKara Powder, PhD
Biological SciencesAnna Seekatz, PhD
Biological SciencesMatthew Turnbull, PhD
Biological SciencesTzuen-Rong J Tzeng, PhD
Biological SciencesKristi Whitehead, PhD
Biological SciencesJulia Brumaghim, PhD
ChemistryElliot Ennis, PhD
ChemistryWilliam T Pennington Jr, PhD
ChemistryHaiying Liang, PhD
Genetics and BiochemistryMichael Sehorn, PhD
Genetics and BiochemistryKerry Smith, PhD
Genetics and BiochemistryStephen Kaeppler, PhD
Physics and AstronomyHugo Sanabria, PhD
Physics and AstronomyIrina Viktorova, PhD
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences - Provost/Other
Celina Checura
Simpson ResearchCarl Ehrett
Watt Family Innovation Center
Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research
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Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research | Watt Family Innovation Center 405 S. Palmetto Blvd, Suite 303 Clemson, SC 29634-5733