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Clemson University

Writing Lab

Make An Appointment


The Writing Lab offers a range of valuable support services for faculty members aimed at enhancing their teaching and fostering student success. Faculty can benefit from consultations with Writing Lab staff to discuss strategies for integrating writing assignments effectively into their courses and providing meaningful feedback to students.

Additionally, faculty can take advantage of integrating the Writing Lab into their courses through our workshops, events, and individual writer consultations. Below, you can read more about how you can integrate the Writing Lab into your courses.

The Writing Lab serves as a valuable resource for faculty, promoting effective writing instruction and fostering a culture of writing excellence across disciplines.

Faculty are also welcome to book appointments with our staff, though we encourage you to use the Graduate Writing Consultants for those appointments. We can only support faculty writing in a limited capacity at this time. 

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Please do not bring your class to the Writing Lab without prior arrangements. See the options below to book a time.

Informational Class Tours

We find that students are more likely to return if they have visited the Writing Lab.

A faculty member can schedule a class tour, bringing their class into the Writing Lab space for a short visit, around 15-30 minutes, depending on the instructor's request for an informational session.

Sessions should be requested at least two weeks in advance where possible.

Themed Workshops

Student groups and faculty members can work with our consultants to create a workshop (a small group meeting or seminar) focused on a particular communication assignment, issue, or skill. We also have already-created workshops you can choose from. Examples include: citation styles, common grammar concerns, the writing process, specific genres of writing, and more!

Workshops should be requested at least two weeks in advance where possible.


Although many commonly asked questions are answered below, we hope to hear from you. Should you wish to request these services or have general questions, please contact us at

  • What can the Writing Lab do for my students?

    The Writing Lab uses a student-centered approach to help students learn to think more critically about their writing. We encourage and teach students to write in clear, effective, and compelling ways. Our goal is to facilitate the growth of confident and effective writers. We do this work to support Clemson's tradition of excellence in writing across the curriculum. 

    To do this, we support students at any stage of the writing process. If a student is confused regarding an assignment, we can help them navigate the assignment's requirements and brainstorm ideas. If you see that a student needs to strengthen their organization or integration of research, we can help students develop these skills. While we are not an editing service, we can help students learn grammar elements. 

  • I teach a science course. Can you support my students?

    Of course! Writing happens in all disciplines. Likewise, all fields need strong skills in communication. We have Writing Fellows from the sciences and consultants who undergo training on common genres and issues in science writing. 

    We support all disciplines. 

  • Can your approach teach students to fix grammatical or mechanical issues?

    We often support students in the final stages of revising a work. We also consult with students earlier in their writing processes. There is no time that is too early to meet with a consultant! Our approach helps students to not only "correct mistakes" but become well-rounded communicators. Consultants teach students to find their errors by discussing revision strategies and teaching them applicable principles. Beyond finding "corrections," consultants encourage students to make informed stylistic choices consistent with the genres and conventions of any writing situation. Short answer: we don't edit, but we do provide feedback.

  • How can I encourage my students to use the Writing Lab?
    • Highlight the Writing Lab's Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of utilizing the Writing Lab to your students. Explain how working with writing consultants can improve their writing skills, boost their confidence, and enhance their overall academic performance. Emphasize that the Writing Lab is a supportive and non-judgmental space where students can receive personalized guidance and feedback on their writing.

    • Incorporate Writing Lab Information in Course Materials: Include information about the Writing Lab in your syllabus, course website, or other course materials. Provide details about how to schedule appointments, operating hours, and any specific writing center policies. By integrating this information into the course materials, you increase visibility and remind students of the available support.

    • Offer Incentives or Extra Credit: Consider offering incentives or extra credit to students who utilize the Writing Lab. This can motivate students to take advantage of the Writing Lab's services. For example, you could provide bonus points for attending a Writing Lab workshop/event or appointment.

    • Arrange Writing Lab Presentations or Workshops: Collaborate with the Writing Lab staff to organize presentations or workshops specifically tailored to your course. These sessions can focus on writing strategies, citation styles, or any other writing-related topics relevant to your subject. By integrating writing center expertise directly into the course, you emphasize the value and relevance of utilizing their services.

    • Share Personal Experiences or Testimonials: Share your own positive experiences with the Writing Lab or ask previous students to provide testimonials about their experiences. By sharing real-life examples of how the Writing Lab has helped students improve their writing, you can inspire others to seek assistance.

    • Foster a Supportive Environment: Create an open and supportive classroom environment that encourages students to seek help and feedback. Normalize the use of the Writing Lab as a valuable resource rather than a remedial service. Emphasize that seeking support is a sign of strength and a commitment to continuous improvement.

  • I like to require my students to visit the Writing Lab or I offer a visit as extra credit. How can they prove they went to the Writing Lab?

    We prefer that instructors do not require appointments. This can make students wary of the Writing Lab as they are forced to attend appointments. If you do require appointments, please note the following:

    After a consultation session in the Writing Lab, if the student indicates that a demonstration of attendance is needed, such as a signed form, the Writing Lab staff will email a summary of the appointment to the student. The student can then elect to forward that email to the necessary parties.

    These summaries are not evaluative and merely summarize the content of the appointment. This protects the student's privacy.

    (The Writing Lab is not intended to be a remedial space, so we encourage framing us as supportive of their writing process and growth as writers.)

  • Can I use the Writing Lab?

    Yes! We are happy to support faculty in their writing endeavors. We offer a limited number of faculty appointments per semester. Writing Fellows are trained to support any writing. That being said, they most often engage with undergraduate and graduate students. Please be aware of this if you book an appointment with us. 

    Faculty bookings may be limited at peak times during the semester for student stakeholders. 

Syllabus Statement

We suggest adding a statement to your syllabus regarding the Writing Lab. This can help students to know that the Writing Lab is viewed as an essential resource for your course. 

Here is a sample statement:

The Writing Lab is a valuable resource available to all students in this course. It offers individualized assistance to help you strengthen your writing skills and enhance the quality of your written assignments. Whether you need help with brainstorming ideas, organizing your thoughts, developing a thesis statement, improving grammar and punctuation, or any other aspect of writing, the Writing Lab consultants are here to support you. Appointments can be scheduled online, and walk-in sessions may also be available. You can learn more on their website: I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this valuable resource to further develop your writing abilities and improve your academic performance. The Writing Lab is located on the third floor of Cooper Library.


The Writing Lab
The Writing Lab | 301 Cooper Library, Clemson, S.C. 29634