Meet the Team

Pat Layton
Clemson University Wood Utilization + Design Institute
Pat is the Director of the Wood Utilization + Design Institute and former Director of the School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences (2010-2014) at Clemson University. She came to Clemson in late 1999 as the Chair of the Department of Forest Resources. Before joining Clemson, she was a Senior Director with the American Forest & Paper Association where she represented the industry in recycling, life cycle analysis, sustainability, and energy. Prior to that, Pat was a Manager at Scott Paper Company, where she developed new forestry and marketing initiatives, including playing a vital role in the development of the American Forest & Paper Association’s Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program. Before joining Scott Paper, she was a Research Associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Short Rotation Wood Crops Program.

Weichiang Pang
Professor of Civil Engineering
Clemson University
Pang is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Clemson University. He is the current chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committee on Wood and a member of the advisory board to the South Carolina Department of Insurance. His research focuses on structural performance of wood structures and risk assessment of structures under natural hazards. He has experience in conducting full-scale testing of both light-frame and mass timber structures. Dr. Pang served as an associate editor for the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, handling technical papers relevant to wood structures. Dr. Pang has authored and co-authored more than 150 journal and conference papers. He also teaches wood structural design to both undergraduate and graduate engineering students on a yearly basis.