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Group of 4-H students
4-H Grows Here

Fairfield County 4-H

Your Local 4-H Agent

Martina Wicker

96 US Hwy 321 Bypass,
Winnsboro, SC 29180
Work 803-589-8977
Sign up for the Fairfield 4-H Newsletter

Email Martina

Join 4-H

4-H provides hands-on, learn-by-doing, opportunities for everyone.

Fairfield County 4-H Clubs

  • Richard Winn Academy Shooting Sports Team

    Club Leaders: John Lewis and Brian Bonds

    If you are interested in joining the Richard Winn Academy Shooting Sports Team please contact Richard Winn Academy at 803-635-5494.

  • Fairfield County Farm and Family Club

    This club meets one time a month on a chosen Sunday and is open to youth ages 5 to 18. The 2024-2025 project of the year is poultry - youth will learn the showmanship of poultry and general care information.

    Led by 4-H Volunteer: Abbie Kowalke

    Hosted by: Crazy Chic Heritage Farms (450 Kenal Rd. Ridgeway, SC)

    Please contact Mrs. Martina for specific meeting dates (864.985.2904)

  • Fairfield County Farm Animals & Sustainability Club

    This club meets the second Tuesday of each month at 4:45 and is open to youth ages 5 to 18. The 2024-2025 project of the year is swine - youth will learn the showmanship of swine and general care information.

    Led by 4-H Volunteer: Selvbrea Stone

    Hosted by:Set in Stone Sustainability Farm (111 Family Rd. Jenkinsville, SC)

    Please contact Mrs. Martina (864.985.2904) for more information.

  • Fairfield County Horse Club

    This club meets the third week of the month, specific dates are sent out one week prior and dependent upon availability at the horse barn. Horse Club is open to youth ages 5 to 18 who are interested in learning about horses. Open to all ages and experience levels. Horse not required.

    Led by 4-H Volunteer: Jimmy Joyner

    Hosted by: Joyner Family Farms (279 Ramsey Rd. Winnsboro, SC)

    Please contact Mrs. Martina (864.985.2904) for specific meeting dates and more information.

  • Fairfield County Homeschool Club

    Meets the first Thursday of every month at 3 pm in various locations. Open to all ages.

    Project Areas include: Natural Resources, STEM, Ag & Animals, & more!

    Led by Fairfield County 4-H Agent, Mrs. Martina

    Please contact Mrs. Martina (864.985.2904) for specific meeting locations and more information.

  • Fairfield County Midlands STEM 4-H Club

    Club meets twice monthly, every other Friday at 12 pm at Midlands STEM Charter School. Project areas are specific to youth's interest. Open to ages 5 to 18.

    Led by 4-H Volunteers: Courtney Corby & Lauren Beck

    Please contact Mrs. Martina (864.985.2904) for more information.

Upcoming Events

Fairfield County 4-H
Fairfield County 4-H | 96 US Hwy 321 Bypass South, Winnsboro, SC 29180