About the Bridge Building Challenge
Join us for the Bridge Building Challenge! Each team will design, construct, and test a truss-style bridge past the breaking point to determine which bridge can support the greatest suspended mass (weight).

Challenge Objectives
Youth learn the basics of truss design and load distribution.
Youth manage limited resources to achieve a goal.
Youth communicate effectively and contribute to the group effort.
- Youth demonstrate their knowledge.
Challenge Rules
Teams of 2-4 youth
Each team participating must have a minimum of two and a maximum of four youth to be eligible to compete.
Age Divisions | Junior (9-13 years) | Senior (14-18 years)
Age is calculated as of January 1, 2025. In teams with youth of multiple age divisions, the age of the oldest youth on that team will determine the age division in which the team will compete.
Materials | Specifications | Time
All bridge-building supplies will be provided to teams on the day of the challenge. Each team will have one half of an 8-foot table to assemble their bridge using 70 small craft sticks, 1 hot-glue gun (low temperature), and five 4-inch glue sticks. Teams will have 40 minutes to design and construct a truss-style bridge, a bridge with its load-bearing structures composed of a series of triangles. The bridge must span a minimum of 13 inches on the testing apparatus. Bridges will be attached to the testing station using zip-ties. Youth must attach their own bridge to the testing station. Teams can use only the supplies provided. The use of additional supplies (for example, unused supplies from other teams) will result in disqualification.
Metric | Placing | Tie Breaker
Bridges will be scored on the greatest weight that they support prior to breaking. First through third place will be awarded in each age division for the top-scoring bridges. In the event of a tie, the bridge that weighs less will place higher.
Helpful Resources
SC 4-H Bridge Building Challenge Overview Video
Basics – A Spotter’s Guide to Bridge Design
Garrett’s Bridges – Truss Design
Try Engineering - Popsicle Bridge
Contact Information
Be sure to watch the Bridge Building Overview Video linked in the resources section for more assistance. If you have any other questions, please reach out to the Challenge Facilitator, Rosemary Martin-Jones at rosema2@clemson.edu.