Pest Management Handbook
Contact the specialists to learn how to obtain a printed copy: Mike Marshall, marsha3@clemson.edu
Or download/preview the PDF file online (334 pages, 6.86MB).
Cotton production information is provided to help growers with profitable and environmental crop production. Clemson University faculty and staff work together to provide environmental-specific information to the growers of South Carolina and surrounding areas. From the research done on campus and in fields across the state at the Research and Education Centers, to the Extension Agents on farm calls, Clemson University employees work hard to be on the cutting edge of agronomic research to provide the most accurate data and support to South Carolinians.
Dr. Mike Jones
Clemson Extension Cotton Specialist
Contact the specialists to learn how to obtain a printed copy: Mike Marshall, marsha3@clemson.edu
Or download/preview the PDF file online (334 pages, 6.86MB).
Contact the specialists to learn how to obtain a printed copy: Mike Jones, majones@clemson.edu
Or download/preview the Word file online (126 pages, 3.8MB).
The Land-Grant Press publishing program is expanding offerings with additional publication series dedicated to the needs of various Cooperative Extension and University audiences. The Land-Grant Press mission is to provide science-based, peer-reviewed scholarly work for the purpose of practical application.
View Cotton Publications