Grower's Guide
The Tobacco Production Guide is not currently available for download. If you would like this publication, please complete this form to request a copy.
Tobacco research for South Carolina growers is conducted at The Pee Dee Research and Education Center, located near Florence, S.C. Research and extension efforts are focused on general agronomic and pest management practices that maximize productivity and sustainability.
William Hardee III
Extension Tobacco Specialist and Area Agronomy Agent
Office: Horry and Marion Counties
Phone: 843-365-6715
Email: hardee@clemson.edu
The Tobacco Production Guide is not currently available for download. If you would like this publication, please complete this form to request a copy.
Contact the specialists to learn how to obtain a printed copy: Mike Marshall, marsha3@clemson.edu
Or download/preview the PDF file online (334 pages, 6.86MB).
The Land-Grant Press publishing program is expanding offerings with additional publication series dedicated to the needs of various Cooperative Extension and University audiences. The Land-Grant Press mission is to provide science-based, peer-reviewed scholarly work for the purpose of practical application.
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