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The Florence Darlington Stormwater Consortium is comprised of representatives from the City and Counties of Florence and Darlington, and several local groups involved in water resources management. This consortium focuses on the most prevalent pollutants in our area including bacteria from pet waste, sediment from construction sites, homeowner erosion, litter, and FOG (fats, oils, and grease). If you or your company cares about stormwater and water quality in Florence and Darlington, please consider joining us in our efforts. Our meetings are quarterly and open to the public.
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Florence Darlington Stormwater Consortium Goal Statement
To enhance water resource protection and stewardship throughout Florence and Darlington Counties through stormwater education, public involvement and outreach, and by fostering partnerships with local governments, citizens, businesses, schools, and organizations to support healthy waterways.
- Maximize the efficiency of stormwater education efforts in the upper Pee Dee region of South Carolina by using a regional/watershed approach.
- Develop and implement a cohesive education strategy that addresses the range of stormwater pollutants using a prioritized approach that capitalizes on local training resources.
- Foster and expand upon citizen involvement in stormwater management through this effort's education and participation programs.
- Encourage behavioral change towards improved environmental protection and awareness through stormwater education.
- Facilitate collaboration among local organizations interested in watershed-related education to best meet the educational needs of local communities and their public.
- Through partnerships with MS4s, leverage local education resources and organized outreach programs to meet the NPDES Phase II permit requirements for public stormwater education and outreach to achieve greater water resource protection.
- Actively participate in collaborative stormwater education that can be presented and applied in South Carolina and nationwide.
Annual Report and Education Plan
Geraldine Cuypers
Water Resources Agent
Florence County Cooperative Extension
2685 S Irby Street Ste. K
Florence, SC 29505
W: 843.519.2408