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All Extension offices will be closed December 23-27.
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Cooperative Extension: Carolina Clear

What You Can Do

Carolina Clear strives to meet the needs of all audiences. In doing so, it is important to understand that different audiences have different needs. The information below is organized by audience, though many of these activities can be a consideration in all of our daily lives. After all, stormwater pollution is People Pollution!


Stormwater 101

For more information about stormwater, visit the Stormwater 101 page.


As a homeowner, you are responsible for your property's environmental impact. If you live along a stream or lake, you have an even greater responsibility to protect this water resource for everyone downstream. For more information on how home owners can prevent stormwater pollution, visit the Residents page.

Restaurant Owners & Staff

Restaurants produce FOG (fat, oil, and grease), a major factor in most kitchens. FOG often finds its way down the drain, which can be devastating to our environment and lead to compliance issues for restaurants.For information on how restaurant owners can prevent stormwater polution, visit the Restaurant Owners page.

Stormwater Pond Owners & Managers

For information on Stormwater Pond Owners & Managers, visit the Associations page.

Pet Owners

Most pet owners know better than to leave pet waste on the ground, in the yard, and on sidewalks; however, pet waste droppings can still be seen on trails, sidewalks, and around the neighborhood. For more information on how pet owners can prevent stormwater pollution, visit the Pet Owners page.

Technical & Professional

For more information on how technical and professional audiences can prevent stormwater pollution, visit the Technical & Professional Audiences page.

Septic Tank System Management

If septic tank systems are not properly maintained, they can result in costly repairs and devasting impacts to the environment. For information on Septic Tank System Management, visit the Be Septic Safe page.

Carolina Rain Garden Initiative

For information on Carolina Rain Garden Initiative, visit the Rain Garden website.

Cooperative Extension Carolina Clear
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