Principle 1: Maintain Healthy Soil
Soil is the foundation of any landscape and preserving this important resource is the first step to successful gardening. Maintaining healthy soil has numerous benefits, including improved plant success as well as increased water- and nutrient-holding capacity. One way to improve soil is through the addition of organic matter. For every 1% increase in organic matter, there is an increase of 20,000 to 25,000 gallons of available soil-water per acre that can be stored in created pore spaces.
Plants only require fertilizer when soil lacks nutrients. A soil test can determine if fertilizer is needed and in what amount, as well as any amendments needed to adjust the soil’s pH, which can affect nutrient availability. Soil samples can be submitted at any Cooperative Extension office.

Action Checklist:
Collect a soil sample to determine what soil amendments may be needed for what you want to grow.