Principle 6: Remove Invasives
Invasive plants are those that have been introduced to an area and spread aggressively outside of their natural range, causing damage to agricultural crops and native species. Invasive species disrupt overall ecosystem health and threaten native plants and animals. Prevention is key to controlling invasive species. Be familiar with invasive plant species before selecting plants for your landscape. If you find invasive plants in your yard or along your waterfront, seek out advice for identification and control options. The South Carolina Exotic Plant Pest Council is a good resource for identifying and managing invasive plants.

Action Checklist:
Help stop the spread of invasive exotic plants by removing them from your yard. Contact the South Carolina Department of Plant Industry and the South Carolina Exotic Plant Pest Counci for more information on invasive plants.
Remove invasive exotic aquatic plants by cutting, pulling or raking. Never prune or remove aquatic vegetation without first seeking proper guidelines. When using herbicides, remember the label is the law. Improper use of herbicides can be dangerous so be sure to consult a professional. Dead plant material should be removed from the water to reduce pollution.