Building strength to live life your way!
Through live, weekly classes, certified fitness instructors will teach you how to develop the strength to do whatever you want throughout life whether that is walking, getting out of a chair, or chasing the grandkids!
Join us for a free, online strength training class focused on functional fitness to keep you moving and feeling your best throughout life.
Classes are offered every Tuesday from 9:30 - 10:00 AM (Eastern Time Zone) with Rural Health and Nutrition Extension Agents Ellie Lane, MS, RYT, CPT and Camden Bryan, CHES, GFI. All levels are welcome and beginners are strongly encouraged to join! Modifications are offered to suite all ages and mobility levels, with the option to participate from a comfortable seat or standing.
Can't make the live classes? All classes are recorded and can be accessed through the weekly email newsletter. Register for any upcoming date to receive access to our email newsletter. Practice at your convenience!
Where is the information to join class? After you register, be on the lookout for an email from your instructors with the information to join class. This will come via email 1-hour prior to the program, at 8:30 AM (ET). The program is delivered via Zoom webinar; only the instructor is shown on the screen.
You only need to register for this program once. We will continue to send you weekly email reminders to join as often as your schedule allows. You do not have to attend every week, but we would love to see you as often as possible!