When is the SCCLP offered?
The SCCLP is available online and on demand. So, you or your staff can take it when convenient for you!
How long does the course take?
Once you register, you will have 90 days to complete all course modules and the final exam. There is a total of about 40 hours of actual instruction.
How much time out of my day does it take?
The course is designed for students to spend about 30 minutes to an hour daily to complete one module per week.
What do I get when I complete the course?
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion with their certification number, a vehicle magnet with the SCCLP logo, a polo shirt with the SCCLP logo, and a hand lens.
When will I receive my certificate and packet?
Packets are shipped out in batches on the 2nd and 4th week of each month. The wait time should be no later than 30 days after completing the course.
How do the recertification hours work?
To maintain your SCCLP certification, you must complete 20 credit hours every five years, beginning on the certificate's date. So, if your certificate is issued on 5/15/2020, the credits must be completed by 5-15-2025.
What counts toward the recertification hours?
You can earn recertification credits by attending other SCCLP courses, any Clemson Extension or other university/extension training, or trade organization training such as the South Carolina Green Industry Association annual trade show or the South Carolina Sports Turf Managers Association.
How do I report my recertification hours?
Very simply. Please keep track of your hours, go to the SCCLP website, and click maintain certification to enter credit information.
Are there any special promotions or discounts ever offered?
Yes. Currently, various trade associations, such as the South Carolina Green Industry Association (SCGIA) offer discount promo codes to their members. If your association is interested in offering discount promo codes, please get in touch with Drew Jeffers at ajeffe3@clemson.edu. We also have student rates. Contact Drew Jeffers for details.
I have a large group of staff I want to register. Do you ever offer group discounts?
Yes, we offer group discounts to those with ten or more persons within the same organization wishing to take the course. However, because we will need to register the group, you must contact Drew Jeffers at ajeffe3@clemson.edu and let him know you want to do a group. Then you will be asked to provide the group names, and we will sign them up manually for the course.
Can I pay by check?
a. Yes. We will register your manually once we receive your check. Please get in touch with Drew Jeffers at ajeffe3@clemson.edu to get the process started.

Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion with their certification number, a vehicle magnet with the SCCLP logo, a polo shirt with the SCCLP logo and a hand lens.