Protecting South Carolina’s Water Resources One Drop at a Time
The Clemson Cooperative Extension Water Resources Team consists of Extension Specialists, Associates and Agents from around the state working together to address water quantity and water quality issues in South Carolina and beyond. The Water Resources Extension Team provides research-based information in the form of community outreach and education, public involvement opportunities and in-depth trainings and workshops to the citizens of South Carolina. The common goal of these diverse array of services it to foster stewardship and sustainable management of water resources for current and future generations.
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Find Your Agent
Contact an agent in your county for more information on the management of water resources for your area.
Carolina Clear
The Carolina Clear program partners with local governments and education partners to facilitate regional stormwater education consortiums in South Carolina. Carolina Clear provides education and public involvement opportunities that raise awareness of best management practices to reduce stormwater runoff pollution and ultimately protect clean water.
Visit the Carolina Clear Website

Center Pivot Irrigation Test (CPIT)
The Center Pivot Irrigation Test program (CPIT) is a testing service implemented by Clemson Extension to provide measures of irrigation uniformity and help growers save money, maximize crop yield and conserve natural resources.
Visit the CPIT WebsitePond Management
The S.C. Stormwater Pond Management Website assists homeowners associations, community managers, property management companies and waterfront residents in choosing the best management options for maintaining their stormwater ponds.
Visit the Pond Management Website