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EMERGENCY ALERT:  Clemson University’s main campus closed, classes cancelled through Friday Sept. 27.

Business Intelligence

About Us

What is Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence (BI) refers to capabilities that enable organizations to make better decisions, take informed actions, and implement more efficient business processes.

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Our Method

Our method is more than simply counting data values and presenting the information on a dashboard.

We search for the answers to many questions.

  • Descriptive Analytics - What happened?
  • Diagnostic Analytics - Why did it happen?
  • Predictive Analytics - What is likely to happen?
  • Prescriptive Analytics - What is the best course of action?

Who is the Business Intelligence Team?

We are a team of professionals assigned within Finance and Operations, but so much more. We are a network of analysts and analytic-minded staff across the University, which creates a cross-functional team with a vast depth and breadth of expertise and subject matter expertise to provide decision-quality insights into the most complex challenges of higher education.

Bar chart explaining the complexity of descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics

Our People

Highly specialized analysts with experience in higher education data and systems.

Our Focus

Expand analytics capabilities and insights within your area without adding new resources.

Our Partners

Established relationships with existing customers and specialized analysts around campus.