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Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation

Clemson Resources

Teaching Resource Guide

The 2024-25 Clemson Teaching Resource Guide is updated annually, to bring together information from units across campus that are connected to the teaching mission of the university. 

View resource guide
Clemson Faculty in a meeting.

Syllabi Templates

OTEI has worked with units across campus to bring you syllabus resources: The Syllabus Template Part One 2024-25 document and the University Policies and Student Support Syllabus Part Two 2024-25 PDF.

What are these templates? Syllabus Templates Part One and Part Two can help you keep your syllabus up-to-date with university policies, practices, and resources.


Part One is a student-centered template which you can rewrite to suit your needs. It notes specifically which elements are required by Clemson and is reviewed annually by the Undergraduate and Graduate Deans. Since it uses a Word template, it is in an accessible format.

Part Two is revised by applicable units on campus so that student resources and university policies are up-to-date. Parts can added to the end of your syllabus OR this pdf can be downloaded as a syllabus "part two", thus not adding to the length of your own course syllabus. It is designed to be accessible and, for easy reading, has icons to help students track topics. We suggest adding it to your Canvas site.

Modify either document, adopt wholesale, distribute, and post to Canvas. It is your choice!

AI and the Syllabus

Wondering how much AI to integrate into your course?

Faculty members working together.

Clemson Teaching News

If you teach at Clemson in any role or have an interest regardless, you can receive notifications of teaching-related events from units across the university and curated Higher Ed teaching news. This includes any staff, special faculty, adjuncts and graduate students. If you are not already enrolled, you can email To share teaching news, contact us at this email as well!

Inside Clemson

Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation
Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation | 201 Watt Family Innovation Center