Research and Collections at The Bob Campbell Geology Museum


The BCGM research program is led by Curator Dr. Adam Smith, who maintains an active paleontological research program involving Clemson students and faculty, and collaborators from around the world (click here to visit Dr. Smith's research website). Dr. Smith is currently organizing paleontological field expeditions in SC, MT, and ND. Check back to see pictures and read descriptions of these field excursions in the near future. Visit the museum to see the fossils collected by BCGM staff and Clemson students being prepared in our recently constructed Fossil Preparation Lab Exhibit.


Only a portion of the specimens curated at the BCGM are on display. Our research collections provide a resource for scholars that stimulates scientific discovery and subsequently provides the inspiration for our public exhibits. Our collections are an invaluable natural heritage resource for scientists of today and future generations of researchers. BCGM collections are available for use by qualified researchers. Loan of specimens are only available to qualified researchers and loans for purposes of exhibit are only available to non-commercial and educational institutions. Paleontological holdings at the BCGM can be viewed here ( through the Clemson University Libraries. Geological specimens will be added to the database in the near future.

Collection Access Policies

Access to the research collection is restricted to qualified researchers. Requests to utilize our collections are based on the merits of the proposed research project and the qualifications of the applicant. All decisions regarding collection use requests are made by the curator. Appointments to access the collection for research purposes must be made at least two weeks in advance. To request access to collections for research purposes, please email Curator Adam Smith at All collection access requests must include the following information: a detailed description of the research to be conducted using BCGM specimens (including questions addressed by the research and proposed methods of data collection); a list of all collaborators involved in the research project; if known, a list of BCGM specimens that you would like to examine; proposed date(s) for your collections visit; any analytical equipment needed during your visit or special requests.

Loan Policies

Loan of BCGM specimens for academic research or display purposes (i.e., loan to other museums) can be requested via email through the Curator, Adam Smith, at As with collection visit requests, loan requests are evaluated based on the merits of the proposed research project and the qualifications of the applicant. All loan requests must include the following information: a detailed description of the research to be conducted using BCGM specimens; a list of all collaborators involved in the research project; a list of BCGM specimens that you would like to borrow; whether or not destructive sampling is involved (if so please include a detailed description of methods and anticipated damage to the specimen(s), and justification for destructive sampling). All products of destructive sampling (e.g., histological slides and resulting images) remain the property of the BCGM and must be returned along with the loaned specimen(s). The maximum duration of all loans is 6 months, unless other arrangements are made with the curator.

Digital Data Policies

Requests to digitally scan (i.e., CT scan/Synchotron/X-ray) and reproduce BCGM specimens must be approved by the curator. Raw data, images, and all products resulting from digitally scanned or photographed BCGM specimens can be published only as part of peer-reviewed research publication and cannot be archived in such a way that those data are publicly available (e.g., Copies of the raw and processed data may be retained by the primary researcher and his/her collaborators. However, those data remain the property of the BCGM and may not be further distributed without permission from the BCGM. Copies of all raw and processed data, images, and all other products must be returned to the BCGM.


The Bob Campbell Geology Museum houses a unique collection of books and research journals on geology, paleontology, and lapidary arts. Books are available for research but may not be removed from the museum.

To search the complete collection, visit our online library catalogue at

Members of the Museum may obtain a guest pass to visit the library by contacting museum Curator Dr. Adam Smith at

BCGM Research Affiliates

Dr. Richard W. Blob, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University

Dr. Alan B. Coulson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Clemson University

Dr. J. Drew Lanam, Professor, Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University

Dr. Patricia A. Layton, Professor, Wood Utilization and Design Institute, Clemson University

Dr. Kelly B. Lazar, Postdoctoral Researcher, College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences

Dr. Katherine E. Weisensee, Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, Clemson University