Nitrate Nitrogen (dry matter basis)

0-1000 ppm
This level is considered safe to feed under all conditions.
1000-1500 ppm
This level should be safe to feed to non-pregnant animals under all conditions. It may be best to limit its use to pregnant animals to 50 percent of the total ration on a dry basis.
1500-2000 ppm
Feeds are fed safely if limited to 50 percent of ration's total dry matter.
2000-3500 ppm
Feeds should be limited to 35 to 40 percent of total dry matter in the ration. Feeds containing over 2000 ppm nitrate nitrogen should not be used for pregnant animals.
3500-4000 ppm
Feeds should be limited to 25 percent of total dry matter in ration. Do not use for pregnant animals.
> 4000 ppm
Feeds containing over 4000 ppm nitrate nitrogen are potentially toxic. DO NOT FEED.