Neutral Detergent Solution Determinations - NDF
- NEUTRAL DETERGENT SOLUTION - NDS - In a 4 L beaker combine 600 g sodium lauryl sulfate, 200 mL ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, and 2 L deionized water. Mix this solution thoroughly and pour it into a 20 L carboy. Combine 372.2 g disodium ethylenediaminetetra-acetate (EDTA) dihydrate crystals and 136.2 g of sodium borate decahydrate (Na2B407.10H20) with 3 L of deionized water in 4 L beaker. Heat and stir this solution until the crystals are dissolved, then add it to the 20 L carboy. Add 91.2 g of anhydrous sodium phosphate dibasic (Na2HP04) to 1 L of deionized water, heat and stir to dissolve, then add it to the 20 L carboy. Dilute this mixture to 20 L with deionized water and mix thoroughly. pH should be between 6.9-7.1. This solution may be purchased ready made.
- ALPHA-AMYLASE (ANKOM CO. #FAA) (stored in refrigerator)
Apparatus - see ADF determination.
Procedure - see ADF Procedure.
- < 6 samples - hold until next day
- 7-15 samples - use 1500 mL NDS
- 16 samples - use 1600 mL NDS
- 17 samples - use 1700 mL NDS
- 18 samples - use 1800 mL NDS
- 19 samples - use 1900 mL NDS
- 20-24 samples - use 2000 mL NDS
- Use 1 g/(100 mL NDS) Na sulfite
- Put solution in beaker, then sodium sulfite - stir w/stirring bar on stir plate. Add 4 mL alpha amylase. Mix solution then pour into vat. Place basket with samples into vat and weight on top.
- See ADF Procedure.
Calculations - see ADF Procedure.