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SC Botanical Garden

Plant Sale

mother and daughter holding potted and hanging plants

Our nursery is an integral part of the Garden. The nursery grows high-quality plants to support both the gardens and, in turn, the public community.

The nursery hosts the Garden's Semiannual Plant Sales (typically in April and September or October), which are major fundraising events for the SCBG, and all profits support operations and enhancements in the garden. Friends of the Garden are granted early access to both sales, typically the day before the public sale. The sales are held in the operations section of the SCBG, which is located at 154 Lacecap Loop off Perimeter Road in Clemson, South Carolina. Friends of the Garden membership applications will be available at the sales or avoid the line by joining online.

SCBG volunteers and garden staff work very hard preparing for these events. Many selections of a wide variety of plants are always available, such as annuals, vegetable transplants and herbs, bog plants, perennials, ferns, shrubs, grasses, trees and fruits and many hard-to-find native plants. A selection of the plants at the sales are produced in the nursery, and many are propagated from the SCBG plant collection.

SCBG staff, volunteers, and Clemson University students are always on hand at the plant sales to assist with the selection of plants for your home landscape. Several of our partner organizations set up booths at the sale to answer questions about gardening-related topics and activities. For additional information, please contact Misty Shealy, Nursery Manager, at

Mark your Calendars!
Spring 2025 Plant Sale

Friday, April 4 
Friends of the Garden members 
Early Access

Saturday, April 5
Everyone welcome!

Saturday, April 26 
Second Chance Sale

*Gates close 30 minutes before sales end

Plant Sale FAQs Become a garden member Plant Sale List (PDF)

Plant Sale FAQs

Thanks for supporting the SCBG! Please see our FAQs below to help answer your questions about the sale.

South Carolina Botanical Garden
South Carolina Botanical Garden | 150 Discovery Lane Clemson, SC 29634