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Office of Research Development

Past Events

Series: Writing Effective Research Objectives and Specific Aims

This three-part interactive workshop series will provide guidance on crafting effective research objectives, hypotheses, and specific aims and will include dedicated discussion and writing time. Attendees will complete short assignments with the goal of finishing the series with a set of research objectives or specific aims for a particular funding opportunity.

NIH COBRE Directors Panel

This panel session will provide those who are interested in applying to the NIH COBRE Phase 1 limited submission competition a chance to hear from a panel of past and current COBRE Phase 1 Center directors. Each panelist will introduce their COBRE Center and share their experiences applying for/running the Center, the lessons they have learned throughout the process, and any advice they have for PIs planning to submit a COBRE Phase 1 application. There will also be time for Q&A from the audience.

Attending this panel session is highly encouraged for any PI considering applying to the Phase 1 limited submission competition. For those not on the main campus, a virtual zoom option is available.

Watch the workshop video.

Mentoring Plans

This workshop provides insight into new NSF and NIH requirements for graduate student and postdoctoral mentoring plans. The info session also contains resources offered through Clemson’s Graduate Center for Transformational Mentorship and opportunities to work with the center to support students/postdocs and build mentoring skills.

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

CAREER Academy

NSF’s prestigious NSF CAREER awards position assistant professors to succeed as researchers and educators. 

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

Grant Proposal Budgeting Basics

Preparing the budget for a grant proposal can be a challenging task, but it doesn’t have to be! This workshop provides helpful advice for preparing budgets and budget justifications during proposal development.

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

Write Winning Grant Proposals

This widely acclaimed seminar comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to the proposal-writing process. It emphasizes idea development, identification of the most appropriate granting agency, writing for reviewers, and tips and strategies that are of proven value in presenting an applicant’s case to reviewers.

Finding Funding to Support Your Research

Given the multitude of funding agencies and variety of proposal solicitations available to fund research, finding the right fit for your research can be a challenge. This workshop will provide advice and insight on navigating the research funding landscape so that you might find the best opportunities for funding your research.

Watch the workshop video.

CAREER Academy Info Session

NSF’s prestigious NSF CAREER awards help set up assistant professors’ careers as researchers and educators. Jane Jacobi will provide an overview of the NSF CAREER program and of the ORD CAREER Academy, held every year from January through July. This workshop will be useful for assistant professors who are thinking about submitting CAREER proposals.

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

How to Thrive and Survive Once You Receive Grant Funding: Best Practices in Post-Award Management

You’ve successfully submitted a grant proposal and have been awarded funding . . . now what? The post-award management team will provide an overview of the post-award management process, including advice for anticipating post-award issues at the pre-award stage and managing funds once they’ve been awarded.

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

Funding Opportunities through the Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) Program at the NSF presented by an NSF program officer

The goal of this virtual presentation is to introduce the audience to the Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) Program at the National Science Foundation. Research projects funded by the ER2 Program use fundamental research to produce knowledge about what constitutes or promotes responsible or irresponsible conduct of research and why, as well as how to best instill responsible conduct of research into researchers, practitioners, and educators at all career stages. The presentation will include a brief history of the ER2 program, and a brief description of the types of proposals that are supported by the program and the merit review process. A portion of the time will be set aside to address questions from the audience.

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

R-Initiatives Overview and Tips for Successful Proposals

R-Initiative funding opportunities provide money to support faculty members’ collaborative scholarship and research. This workshop offers an overview of each opportunity and details the application process, guidelines, and goals, as well as tips and tricks for successful proposals.

View the slides.

Watch the workshop video.

Using Faculty Insight to Boost Your Research

Faculty Insight is a tool that faculty can use to find funding opportunities and collaborators as well as visualizing collaboration networks. This hands-on workshop with staff from Academic Analytics/Faculty Insight will guide you through the parts of Faculty Insight that faculty can use to enhance their research, find collaborators, identify funding opportunities, and make their research more visible. More information.

Boosting Broader Impacts

Several federal agencies require PIs to describe the potential of the research project to benefit society. Communicating these “broader impacts” of proposed activities is critical to the competitiveness of your proposal. This workshop presents strategies for presenting broader impacts and identifies resources to help implement activities with the potential to contribute to the greater social good.

Watch the workshop video

Oil and Water - Working with Industry

Regardless of your status within a university research enterprise, it is probable that at some point you will collaborate with an industry partner. While both sides value research and the outcomes of research, there are key differences and approaches that should be understood prior to research engagement. This workshop provides an understanding of the different types of research collaborations between academia and industry, key issues to consider when engaging, points to consider from both the academic and industry perspectives, and areas of mutual understanding that are critical to success.

Watch the workshop video.

Selling Your Science

This workshop focuses on proven strategies for engaging readers and reviewers in your science. “Selling” your science to the reader involves telling a story. Utilizing the story behind your research is a powerful persuasive tool for capturing your audience’s attention. If you struggle with how to help readers see the critical importance of your science, introductions, spinning a “thread” that ties proposal components together, or giving your readers a sense of closure, this workshop is for you.

Watch the workshop video

NSF CAREER Program and the ORD CAREER Academy

NSF’s prestigious NSF CAREER awards help set up assistant professors’ careers as researchers and educators. Jane Jacobi will provide an overview of the NSF CAREER program and of the ORD CAREER Academy, held every year from January through July. This workshop will be useful for assistant professors who are thinking about submitting CAREER proposals in 2023. 

Watch the workshop video

Applications of Team Science

Team Science is an approach to addressing the challenges of research teams. Dr. Marissa Shuffler Porter and Dr. Allison Traylor, a leading duo in the Team Science field at Clemson, will share hands-on approaches to managing and advancing research through collaborative, innovative work.

Watch the workshop video

Developing Strong Proposals to Fund Your Research

Approaching the proposal writing process can be an overwhelming experience. Expert consultant Lucy Deckard will preview the basics of proposal writing for those interested in pursuing external funding for their research, with discussions on the various components involved in developing strong grant proposals.

Watch the workshop video

Limited Submissions & R-Initiatives

Limited Submissions and R-Initiative programs are specialized funding opportunities administered by the Office of Research Development to advance faculty in collaborative scholarship and research. This workshop offers an overview of each program and details its application process, guidelines, and goals.

Watch the workshop video

Successful Grant Seeking: Writing to the reviewer

Successful Grant Seeking: Forming productive research teams

Successful Grant Seeking: Crafting an Overview page with Goals, Objectives, and Specific Aims

Successful Grant Seeking: Demystifying the NIH and NSF agency structure and review process


Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae, or SciENcv, is an electronic system that helps researchers assemble the professional information needed for participation in federally funded research. Researchers can use SciENcv to create and maintain NSF, NIH and IES biosketches and current and pending support documents that are submitted with grant applications and annual reports. ORD staff will discuss and demonstrate the functionality of SciENcv during this workshop.

Watch the workshop video

Proposal Budget Basics

Building budgets for grant proposals can be confusing. With this workshop, you’ll learn about the main parts of a grant proposal budget. In addition, you can hear Dr. Lesly Temesvari, Diana Thrasher, and Dr. John Lopes discuss the perspectives of a PI, a Grants Administrator, and a Reviewer, respectively, on grant proposal budgets.

Watch the workshop video

SCRA Webinar: OPEN21 New Funding Opportunities with ARPA-E

The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) of the U.S. Department of Energy recently issued an open topic funding opportunity announcement for 2021 (OPEN21) at $100M of new support.  ARPA-E supports transformational research and development across areas impacting energy and the environment.  ARPA-E issues an open topic funding opportunity once every three years in order to identify and support innovative concepts not otherwise supported in topically directed funding solicitations.   As a result, OPEN21 is an opportunity for new research and development support of technology ideas and concepts with high potential for impact in energy and the environment.

This seminar will focus on best practices and successful approaches for proposing ideas to ARPA-E. This begins with understanding the role of ARPA-E in the context of the broader R&D portfolio of science and applied energy programs.  It will provide an overview of successful approaches in prior open solicitations in 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018, as well as an examination of current impact priorities at DOE and ARPA-E.  As a funding agency, ARPA-E supports work at universities, national laboratories, small-businesses, large businesses and not-for-profit research organizations.  The impact of prior ARPA-E technology focused R&D projects have included the formation of entirely new products and markets for existing companies as well as the formation of new companies that have stimulated $10’s of billions of new funding from private sources and public markets.  This seminar will be open to interested people from all sectors, with a special emphasis on attracting potential applicants who had not previously been supported by ARPA-E or the Department of Energy.    The meeting will consist of an open presentation and public discussion, followed by the opportunity for individual follow-up discussion.

The seminar will be led by Prof. Mark Johnson of Clemson University.  From 2009-2013, Prof.  Johnson was one of the first six program directors that established ARPA-E as a new funding agency.  From 2013-2017, he was the director of advanced manufacturing in the Department of Energy, where he spearheaded the establishment of the lab-embedded entrepreneurship program (ex. Cyclotron Road) as the premier entrepreneurial accelerator in energy and sustainability challenges.  With a career in government, academics and the private-sector, he has a wealth of experience advising and working with innovators from laboratory teams, to start firms, to large companies.

Using Logic Models for Proposal Development

Many federal agencies, including USDA, NSF, and USAID, are now requiring that proposals include logic models, but logic models are useful tools for PIs planning to submit proposals to any funder. This workshop, co-sponsored by ORD and CAFLS, will help you construct a useful logic model to guide your proposal development and project design efforts.

Watch the workshop video

Presentation Slides

Handling Rejection: Turning Reviewer Feedback into A Successful Resubmission

A multi-disciplinary faculty panel discusses how to turn reviewer feedback from a rejected proposal into a successful proposal resubmission. Moderated by Dr. Shelia Cotten.

Watch the workshop video

Presentation Slides

Finding Funding: Resources and advice on seeking funding from external sponsors

Join us on October 15th at 2pm to learn about resources available to you to find external funding for your research and service activities. A panel of speakers will also discuss their insight into seeking funding from particular sponsors including NSF, NIH, and foundations.

Watch the workshop video

Presentation Slides