The Office of Industry Contracts (OIC) has been created to support faculty, staff and students in their pursuit of research funding from private industry. The OIC reviews all sponsored research proposals to private industry, negotiates contract terms and conditions, and works with Clemson researchers and industry partners to ensure that agreements are in accord with university policies and procedures as well as federal regulations and requirements. The OIC is available to answer questions, review and negotiate contracts with private industry, and otherwise assist researchers in securing private funding support.
How to initiate?
Research-Related Industry Agreements
To request a Non-Disclosure Agreement, Services Agreement, Equipment Loan Agreement, Equipment Use Agreement, Sponsored Student Project Agreement, or Other Agreement with industry, Clemson University faculty, staff, or students should complete and submit an Agreement Request Form. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Industry Contracts at or 864-656-3989.
Industry Sponsored Project Proposals
If a Clemson University researcher is submitting a sponsored project proposal to a company, rather than completing the Agreement Request Form, the researcher should submit the proposal/budget through his/her college’s Office of Sponsored Programs Pre-Award Support Center (OSP-SC). That office will contact the Office of Industry Contracts as needed.
Our Resources

Industry R-Initiatives
The Division of Research offers two R-Initiative programs to support collaboration with for-profit companies to foster sponsored project activities. Eligible applicants are tenured, tenure-track, or research faculty who have not had a sponsored project funded by a for-profit company in the current and three (3) immediately preceding fiscal years at Clemson.
More Information