D. Andrew Brown
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Associate Professor
Martin Hall O309 [Office]
Educational Background
PhD, Statistics, University of Georgia, 2013
MS, Statistics, University of Georgia, 2010
BS, Applied Mathematics, Georgia Tech, 2006
Research Interests
Uncertainty quantification, neuroimaging data analysis, Bayesian inverse problems, computer experiments, Gaussian Markov random fields
Selected Publications
Brown, D. A., McMahan, C. S., Shinohara, R. T., and Linn, K. L. Bayesian spatial binary regression for label fusion in structural neuroimaging. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117, 547-560, 2022.
Brown, D. A., McMahan, C. S., and Self, S. W. Sampling strategies for fast updating of Gaussian Markov random fields. The American Statistician, 75, 52-65, 2021.
Brown, D. A., Saibaba, A. K., and Vallelian, S. Low rank independence samplers in hierarchical Bayesian inverse problems. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 6, 1076-1100, 2018.
Brown, D. A. and Atamturktur, S. Nonparametric functional calibration of computer models. Statistica Sinica, 28, 721-742, 2018.
Brown, D. A., Lazar, N. A., Datta, G. S., Jang, W., and McDowell, J. E. Incorporating spatial dependence into Bayesian multiple testing of statistical parametric maps in functional neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 84, 97-112, 2014.
American Statistical Association
International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Honors and Awards
Visiting Research Fellow, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Spring 2016.
American Statistical Association
International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics