Crisis Intervention
Emotional Support
Safety planning
Resource connection
Meeting accompaniment
The Oak Room
If the incident occurred off campus, can I still utilize you as a resource?
Yes, location of the incident does not affect your ability to receive services.
- Can you transport me to meetings related to my incident?
What is the difference between the Interpersonal Violence Response Coordinators and the Title IX Coordinators?
Although both positions can provide the student with resources and supportive measures, Interpersonal Violence Response Coordinators are not a university reporting resource. We walk students through the different university reporting options and connect those who wish to file reports to the appropriate department based on the nature of the incident.
- Is the information that I share with the Response Coordinator confidential?
Are Response Coordinators counselors?
No, we are not counselors. However, Response Coordinators will offer emotional support while working with each student to connect them to counselors or other mental health professionals based on the student’s need(s).