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Student Leadership and Engagement

New Student Orientation - Undergraduate Students

New Student Orientation Overview

Welcome to Clemson University!

The New Student Orientation program at Clemson University is the first step in ensuring that new undergraduate students have a successful transition and integration into college life. The program promotes discussion among parents, new students, continuing students, and faculty and staff on the expectations and experiences of the campus community.

Please contact for any questions or additional information.

Clemson University’s New Student Orientation experience consists of the following components:

Orientation Ambassadors engaging with an audiennce at Ready Set Road Event, Clemson University, South Carolina

Orientation Checklist

  • Sign up for Orientation and pay the Student Transition and Support Fee (see details above) starting on April 15, 2025. Sign up for orientation through the Clemson admissions portal

  • Check your CLEMSON EMAIL for instructions on how to access Student Virtual Orientation

  • Complete Virtual Orientation. You can complete Virtual Orientation at your own pace, but you should complete the "Academics" module before you attend academic advising with your adviser

  • Continue to monitor your CLEMSON EMAIL for communications from your academic advisers – this may not be right away, as advisers will contact students in the order of their advising blocks. Do not attempt to schedule an advising appointment on your own, further instructions for scheduling an academic advising appointment will be shared via email

  • Register for your courses on Week of June 16, July 14, or August 14-15, 2025

  • Attend Ready, Set, Roar! - our HIGHLY RECOMMENDED experience on campus. See above for more details


Orientation ambassadors interacting with a group of students
Center for Student Leadership and Engagement
Center for Student Leadership and Engagement | 300 Sirrine Hall, 515 Calhoun Dr, Clemson, SC 29634