Staff Experience
The impact that our staff make in the lives of students, colleagues, and the community are evident in their daily work. Just as our goal is to foster a culture of belonging and well-being for our students, it is imparative that we foster the same culture for our staff. Through onbarding, recognition, learning and development, and other engagement activities, we aim to create a positive, supportive work environment for all staff to thrive.
It is our belief that sustainable success of our division hinges on key performance drivers; people, execution, and outcomes. We know having the right people, focused on the right work, achieve our intended outcomes of how we are impacting student success, engaging students in high quality out-of-classroom experiences, and preparing them for life after college.

Engagement & Development
University Offerings
CU Employee Training and Development
Professional Development Calendar
The Professional Development Calendar displays upcoming professional development opportunities offered by OHR and includes easy-access links to sign up online through Tiger Training.
For questions regarding the Pro-Dev Calendar or accessing a session from off-campus via video conferencing, please contact Hannah Pienkowski
Staff Resources
- Benefits/ComPsych
Remote Work
Effective February 1, 2024, all staff are to return to an in-person schedule unless official University paperwork is approved and on file with the Office of Human Resources.
Travel Policy
Updated Student Affairs Travel Policy
- Travelers are encouraged to use Concur to book travel, both domestic and international
- If using Concur, students/employees have the option to pay for their airfare with their personal credit card or have the University pay/ If the University pays, they will use the Air Fare card in Concur. The Air Fare card is the equivalent of a P-Card
- If an employee chooses to NOT use Concur to book travel, they can either use their personal credit card OR their P-card to pay for air fare. However, the guidance requires any canceled trips paid for with a P-Card to have the credit applied to future University travel and the employee must send a copy of their itinerary to
- In all cases, travel must be approved by the budget center(s) before expenses are incurred or the employee will be responsible for any expenses.
- Employees may continue to use their P-Card or departmental card to pay for conference registration fees.
- Job Aids
- Onboarding
- Off-Boarding