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Business Operations

Student Organization Resources

DSO/ISO Guidelines

Delegated Student Organization Guidelines

A delegated student organization is a registered student organization comprised exclusively of Clemson University and Bridge students to which the university has delegated certain limited authority to perform specific tasks aligned with the university’s mission. These groups are supervised by Clemson University employees. DSOs are also eligible to submit grant funding requests through the student funding board.

  • Criteria

    A program must beet all of the following criteria to be designated as a DSO:

    • student managed but supervised by Clemson University employees
    • delegated certain limited authority to perform certain tasks aligned with Clemson University's mission
    • membership comprised exclusively of Clemson University and Bridge students
    • receives direction and support from a Clemson University employee specifically compensated to provide it
    • organization is in good standing in terms of disciplinary and financial status with Clemson University
    • all organizational funds held in on-campus accounts 
  • Funding
    DSOs are eligible to apply for grant funding from the Student Activity Fee. These funds are allocated by the Student Funding Board.

Independent Student Organizations

  • ISOs are student organizations that have sought to be registered by the university. ISOs are independently legal entities from the university, have no delegated authority from the university, are not under the supervision of the university, and do not perform functions on behalf of the university.
  • ISOs must be comprised exclusively of Clemson University and Bridge students. ISOs, upon completion of registration requirements, receive certain privileges to include operation, meeting, advertising, and participating in activities at Clemson University. ISOs are also eligible to submit grant funding requests through the student funding board. In addition, ISOs are required to register annually and agree to abide by all relevant policies and procedures established by the university regarding ISOs. 
  • Criteria

    General ISO criteria - an organization must meet all of the following:

    • ISOs are required to register annually and agree to abide by all relevant policies and procedures established by the university regarding ISOs
    • membership comprised of 100% matriculated Clemson University and Bridge students
    • organization is in good standing in terms of disciplimary and financial status with Clemson University
    • upon completion of registration requirements, receive certain privileges to include operation, meeting, advertising, and participating in activities at Clemson University
    • ISOs are also eligible to submit grant funding requests through the Student Funding Board
  • Funding
    • Clemson University will NOT enter into contracts on behalf of an ISO
    • ISOs do not have authority to enter into a contract on behalf of Clemson University
    • Eligible to apply for grant funding from the student activity fees 
    • It is the responsibility of each ISO to establish its IRS tax ID number and classification – ISOs shall not use clemson university’s tax ID number at any time
Student Affairs Business Operations
Student Affairs Business Operations | 1376 Tiger Blvd., Suite 104, Clemson, SC 29631