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Office of Institutional Excellence

Strategic and Operational Planning

The Five Strategy Lifecycle Phases

1. Unit Assessment

Deep strategic thinking and unit assessment to establish a foothold for change

Unit assessment involves conducting a thorough analysis of the internal and external environments in which the unit operates. This includes environmental scanning to identify trends in higher education and stakeholder needs, competitive landscape, and internal capabilities. 

  • Common Tools and Outcome

    Common Tools

    • Scenario Planning
    • SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
    • Environmental Scan


    The results of this phase include a broad understanding of internal and external forces and stakeholders that can impact, positively or negatively, the success of leaders' strategic decisions and actions. This knowledge provides a foundation for informed decision-making in the subsequent phases. Strategic scenario planning and benchmarking can provide an understanding of the current position and potential future challenges and opportunities.

The strategic and operational planning lifecycle is a circle that goes from step one to step five and can start again.

2. Strategy Formulation

Develop a high-level strategy, including identifying what success looks like and what it will take to get there.

In this phase, we define mission, vision and strategic goals and establish the principles that guide our work and actions. 

  • Common Tools and Outcome

    Common Tools

    • Mission
    • Vision
    • Principles
    • Goals


    This phase is crucial for setting a clear direction, outlining what the unit aims to achieve and the ethical framework within which it operates. The outcome is a strategic plan that aligns with long-term aspirations and stakeholder expectations.

3. Operational Planning and Execution

Translate high-level strategy into operational planning and action items to address gaps.

In this phase, the unit translates strategic goals into actionable operational plans. It involves developing detailed implementation plans, identifying necessary resources, setting timelines, and establishing measures and metrics to track progress. 

  • Common Tools and Outcome

    Common Tools

    • Objectives
    • Milestones and Actions
    • Roadmaps
    • Measures and Metrics
    • Gap Analysis


    Strategic projects are defined, and responsibilities are assigned to ensure the unit can effectively execute its strategy. This phase ensures that the strategic vision is broken down into manageable and measurable components.

4. Strategy Deployment and Alignment

Make the strategic plan achievable by involving the organization in owning their part of the strategic plan. Individuals align their performance goals to unit objectives and milestones.

This phase of the strategy lifecycle focuses on communicating the strategy across the institution and ensuring that all levels are working toward the same goals. It involves vertical and horizontal integration to align unit strategic and operational plans with the University's overall strategy (Clemson Elevate). 

  • Common Tools and Outcome

    Common Tools

    • Communication Plan
    • Up/down/across communication feedback
    • Strategy to Action Plan
    • Catchball


    Effective communication ensures that employees understand their role in the strategic plan's execution, with performance plans aligned to strategic objectives. This alignment is critical for cohesive and coordinated efforts throughout the University.

5. Assurance and Evaluation

Ongoing refinement and evaluation of performance, culture, communications, data reporting and other strategic management issues.

This phase involves continuous monitoring and reporting on the progress of the strategic plan's implementation. Dashboards and metrics tracking provide insights into performance against strategic goals.

  • Common Tools and Outcome

    Common Tools

    • Strategic Reviews
    • Reports
    • Dashboards and Scorecards
    • Communication


    Regular reviews identify areas needing adjustment, ensuring the strategy remains relevant and effective in changing conditions. This phase ensures accountability and facilitates ongoing improvements, allowing the unit to adapt and refine its strategic plan as necessary.

Reach Out to Get Started 

We specialize in driving Clemson’s success through customized strategic planning and execution services. Contact us at and learn more about our flexible approach, which caters to the unique needs of the institution and fosters transparency and integration with Clemson’s strategic direction. Our team is here to assist and empower you to create, update, or enhance your strategic plan while ensuring alignment with Clemson Elevate.