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Bridge to Clemson

Student Resources

As a Bridge student, you’ll have abundant resources designed specifically for you. It’s just part of what makes the Bridge Program an ideal introduction to the college experience.

an instructor talks in class with two male students at desks

Orientation Begins Your Incredible Journey

A comprehensive, required in-person Orientation program for Bridge students is held at Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) in the summer before Fall classes begin.

During Orientation, you will:

  • Learn more about the programs and services offered through the Bridge Program.
  • Receive academic advising and register for your Fall semester classes.
  • Meet future classmates and get a taste of life as a student in the Bridge Program.

During Orientation, your family members and guests will:

  • Learn how they can help your transition to college.
  • Receive strategies for staying connected with you after classes begin.
  • Learn more about Clemson University Housing & Dining.

You can expect an invitation to Orientation, including dates and further information, in April.

Academic Resources Lead to Academic Success

We encourage you to take advantage of the academic success resources at both Tri-County and Clemson during your year in the Bridge Program.

  • Tri-County offers writing and research skills assistance, tutoring, academic coaching, library services and study room reservations in the Learning Commons on the third floor of the Student Success Center.
  • Clemson offers academic workshops in the Academic Success Center.
  • Best of all, the Bridge Program combines the strengths of Tri-County and Clemson to bring you Bridge-specific academic advising and Supplemental Instruction.
A female Bridge student wearing a grey clemson sweatshirt works at a computer with another student.

The Bridge program does not restrict you at all. It provides a smooth transition into college and will help you succeed in the long run.”

Nicole Krause,
Sophomore packaging science major

Academic Advising

You will have access to both professional academic advising and specialized Bridge advising programs. Your Tri-County advisers are knowledgeable about Clemson and Bridge academic requirements, and Bridge Program staff will also meet with you throughout your first year to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have.                      

If you wish to enter a closed major, you can meet with a Clemson adviser for that program or attend designated Bridge to Clemson advising programs during your first year at Tri-County.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Supplemental Instruction is peer-facilitated study sessions offered weekly during each semester and before every exam. SI supports traditionally difficult courses for first-year students including biology, chemistry, calculus, statistics, physics, and engineering. Sessions are offered at the Tri-County Student Success Center, at the Lightsey Bridge Commons Building on Clemson’s campus and on Zoom weekly. A schedule is provided at the beginning of each semester, and updates to the schedule are sent via email throughout the semester. Statistics show that students who participate in SI complete their courses with higher grades than those who do not participate.


Supplemental Instruction Leaders

SI leaders are upper-class Clemson students who have previously earned an A in the course you are taking. Staff attend the class they are supporting and hold two to three weekly review sessions as well as a two-hour exam review before each exam. They serve as a resource for students in the course, answering student questions and meeting with the class professor to ensure that their review sessions include material that will be represented on exams.

If you’re currently enrolled in an SI-supported class or you have previously earned an A in an SI-supported class, you are eligible to apply for this paid position.