Brand Value
Significance is the signature mark of a Clemson Experience. It is at the core of our identity, both individually and as a collective Clemson Family.

The Value of Significance
Our Brand Story
Significance is a multipronged value. It is about being of consequence while remaining humble. It’s the basic human need to matter to others, to our community and ultimately to the world. When we live a life with significance as a core value, we appreciate and honor the contributions of each individual and ultimately honor the community, state, country and world we live in.
Clemson University’s brand gives a fresh voice to our stories of significance. Told through the undertakings and endeavors of Clemson’s people and places, its history and its happenings, the brand story is shared in pictures and in words, in print, video and sound.

It starts … with our banner emblem: The Paw.

It endures … through the ambitious actions and purposeful engagements of our people, this place and the programs housed here. The more we share our story, the more it unites us to compete, achieve and belong.

Clemson's story ends … where a new one begins — at our outcomes, those applied on the world by Tigers dedicated to making a difference.