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Centers & Institutes
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- Center for Corporate Learning
- Clemson Executive Education
- Erwin Center for Brand Communications
- Hayek Center for the Business of Prosperity
- Information Economy Project
- J. Daniel and Nancy Garrison Sales Innovation Program
- Leadership Signature Program
- Small Business Development Center
- Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism
- The Sonoco Institute
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College Directory
Name | Title | Academic Unit | |
David O'Nan | Pre-Business Advisor | Academic Advising Center | donan@clemson.edu |
Deborah Leopard | Pre-Business Advisor | Academic Advising Center | leopar2@clemson.edu |
Donna Wood | Office Operations Coordinator | Academic Advising Center | dfwood@clemson.edu |
Emily Danuser | Assistant Director | Academic Advising Center | edanuse@clemson.edu |
Faith Diemer | CUBS Coordinator, Pre-Business Advisor | Academic Advising Center | fbridge@clemson.edu |
Jack Council | Pre-Business Advisor, Assistant Recruiter | Academic Advising Center | jcounci@clemson.edu |
Jake Anderson | Director of Recruitment | Dean's Office | manders@clemson.edu |
Rob Massey | Director | Academic Advising Center | massey@clemson.edu |
Sarah Steele | Pre-Business Advisor, First Generation Student Coordinator | Academic Advising Center | ssteel2@clemson.edu |
Katharine Anne Ashmore | Director of Development | Advancement | kashmor@clemson.edu |
Kelly U. Cloyd | Executive Director of Development | Advancement | kellyu@clemson.edu |
Taylor Cook | Senior Director of Development | Advancement | tlc@clemson.edu |
Abbie Sharpe | Administrative Coordinator | Air Force ROTC | abbiec@clemson.edu |
Capt Erin Pennell | Instructor | Air Force ROTC | eppenne@clemson.edu |
Maj Taylor DeBerry | Instructor | Air Force ROTC | wdeberr@clemson.edu |
Capt Mackenzie Golka | Instructor | Air Force ROTC | mgolka@clemson.edu |
Col Christopher Kiser | Chair | Air Force ROTC | cjkiser@clemson.edu |
Maj Ian Fields | Instructor | Air Force ROTC | ifields@clemson.edu |
SSgt Stephany Navarro | NCOIC, Personnel | Air Force ROTC | navarr7@clemson.edu |
TSgt Jennifer Holden | NCOIC, Personnel | Air Force ROTC | jholde3@clemson.edu |
LTC Bradley Vance | Chair, Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | bvance@clemson.edu |
CPT Allen Robertson | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | acrober@clemson.edu |
MAJ Jonathan Hunter | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | jdhntr@clemson.edu |
MAJ Kelly Casey | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | kcasey3@clemson.edu |
CPT Matthew Chapman | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | mpchapm@clemson.edu |
CPT Tarrin Fair | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | tarrinf@clemson.edu |
Frieda Ryan | Human Resources Assistant | Army ROTC | friedar@clemson.edu |
MAJ Matt Farrar | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | mwfarra@clemson.edu |
Mark Samuelson | Recruiting Operations Officer | Army ROTC | msamue2@clemson.edu |
Matthew Jordan | Assistant Professor of Military Leadership | Army ROTC | mdj5@clemson.edu |
MSG Charles Felker | Senior Military Instructor | Army ROTC | cfelker@clemson.edu |
MSG Paul Murray | Military Instructor | Army ROTC | pmurra4@clemson.edu |
Rodney Brinkman | Log Tech (Supply) | Army ROTC | rbrinkm@clemson.edu |
SSG Justin Moore | Military Instructor | Army ROTC | jmoor57@clemson.edu |
Brian Kirby | Administrative Assistant | Army ROTC | wkirby@clemson.edu |
Scott Baier | Director | BB&T Center for Education and Economic Policy Studies | sbaier@clemson.edu |
Alexis Kennedy | Lecturer | Business Professionalism Curriculum | amnewma@clemson.edu |
Bill Tumblin | Senior Lecturer | Business Professionalism Curriculum | wet2@clemson.edu |
Edward De Iulio | Principal Lecturer | Business Professionalism Curriculum | edeiuli@clemson.edu |
Monica Christensen | Lead Lecturer | Business Professionalism Curriculum | monica9@clemson.edu |
Reed Watson | Coordinator | Business Professionalism Curriculum | reed81@clemson.edu |
Brandon P. Turner | Lyceum Professor, Lyceum Program | Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism | bturne2@clemson.edu |
C. Bradley Thompson | Director | Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism | tthomp2@clemson.edu |
Eric Daniels | Assistant Director | Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism | edan@clemson.edu |
Ryan Rogers | Programs Coordinator | Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism | rgroger@g.clemson.edu |
Sidney Thompson | Programs Coordinator | Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism | sidney3@clemson.edu |
Spencer Krauss | Assistant Director, Lyceum Program | Snow Institute for the Study of Capitalism | skrauss@clemson.edu |
Athena Russell | Assistant Director of Academic Programs | Clemson MBA | athena@clemson.edu |
Ginger Dailey | Assistant Director of Marketing | Clemson MBA | gcdaile@clemson.edu |
Avery Williams | Assistant Director of Admissions | Clemson MBA | awill85@clemson.edu |
Barry Cook | Curator | Clemson MBA | bcook7@clemson.edu |
Callie Phillips | Assistant Director of Career Services and Student Experience | Clemson MBA | cep8@clemson.edu |
Carson Perry Watts | Academic Advisor | Clemson MBA | ecperry@clemson.edu |
Devin McGillan | Director of Marketing | Clemson MBA | dkmcgil@clemson.edu |
Gail DePriest | Director of Corporate Relations and Leadership Development | Clemson MBA | gdeprie@clemson.edu |
Gregory Pickett | Director | Clemson MBA | pgregor@clemson.edu |
Jamie Patterson | Director of Career Services and Student Experience | Clemson MBA | jpatte4@clemson.edu |
Jane Layton | Academic Program Director | Clemson MBA | elayton@clemson.edu |
Jeremy Krober | Program Coordinator, Assistant Director of Operations | Clemson MBA | jmonday@clemson.edu |
Kristin Allen Hawk | Director of Admissions | Clemson MBA | klallen@clemson.edu |
Melissa Russell | Administrative Coordinator | Clemson MBA | mar8@clemson.edu |
Paige Kegley | Assistant Director of Admissions | Clemson MBA | pkegley@clemson.edu |
Troy Thieman | Academic Advisor | Clemson MBA | tthiema@clemson.edu |
Mary Anne Raymond | Director | Corporate Relations | mar@clemson.edu |
Callie Brooks | Dean's Administrative Partner, Building Security Coordinator | Dean's Office | cgbroth@clemson.edu |
Carl Hollingsworth | Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs | Dean's Office | chollin@clemson.edu |
Donna Duncan | Administrative Coordinator | Dean's Office | donnad@clemson.edu |
Jennifer Siemens | Associate Dean for Faculty Excellence | Dean's Office | jsiemen@clemson.edu |
Meg Bishop | Chief of Staff | Dean's Office | poirier@clemson.edu |
Shelia Peppers | Administrative Assistant | Dean's Office | sheliap@clemson.edu |
Wendy York | Dean | Dean's Office | bizdean@clemson.edu |
Angela Morgan | Chair, Associate Professor | Department of Finance | am@clemson.edu |
Arash Dayani | Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | adayani@clemson.edu |
Atoosa Amirtash | Lecturer | Department of Finance | aamirta@clemson.edu |
Blerina Bela Zykaj | Associate Professor | Department of Finance | bzykaj@clemson.edu |
Brandon Lockhart | Associate Chair, Wells Fargo Faculty Scholar, Professor | Department of Finance | blockha@clemson.edu |
Daniel Greene | Bill Short Associate Professor, Associate Professor | Department of Finance | dtg@clemson.edu |
Daniel McGee | Academic Advisor | Department of Finance | dmcgee3@clemson.edu |
Elaine Worzala | Visiting Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | eworzal@clemson.edu |
Jack Wolf | Associate Professor, Advisor (Honors and Double Majors) | Department of Finance | jackw@clemson.edu |
James Rieger | Lecturer | Department of Finance | jrriege@clemson.edu |
Janet Bean | Academic Advisor, Registration Coordinator | Department of Finance | beanj@clemson.edu |
John Alexander | Breazeale Professor of Investments, Professor | Department of Finance | alexanj@clemson.edu |
Kerri McMillan | Principal Lecturer | Department of Finance | kmcmill@clemson.edu |
Laura Cobb | Administrative Coordinator | Department of Finance | lhcobb@clemson.edu |
Lili Chen | Lecturer | Department of Finance | lilic@clemson.edu |
Lily Shen | Associate Professor | Department of Finance | yannans@clemson.edu |
Lorenza Ross | Academic Advisor, Registration Coordinator | Department of Finance | ldross@clemson.edu |
Lucy Chernykh | Wells Fargo Professor of Banking, Associate Professor | Department of Finance | lcherny@clemson.edu |
Luke DeVault | Associate Professor | Department of Finance | ldevaul@clemson.edu |
Ramon Franklin | Lecturer | Department of Finance | rfrankl@clemson.edu |
Taufique Samdani | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | tsamdan@clemson.edu |
Travis Box | Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | tsbox@clemson.edu |
Vincent Intintoli | Associate Professor | Department of Finance | vintint@clemson.edu |
Weike Xu | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | weikex@clemson.edu |
Yoonsoo Nam | Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | ynam@clemson.edu |
Yueliang (Jacques) Lu | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | yuelial@clemson.edu |
Michael Howley | Trading Room Director | Department of Finance | howley@clemson.edu |
Amanda Bridges | Assistant Professor | Department of Graphic Communications | awbridg@clemson.edu |
Brian Frederick | Building Coordinator | Department of Graphic Communications | bfred@clemson.edu |
Carl Blue | Associate Professor | Department of Graphic Communications | cnblue@clemson.edu |
Charles Weiss | Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator | Department of Graphic Communications | ctweiss@clemson.edu |
Chip Tonkin | Chair | Department of Graphic Communications | tonkin@clemson.edu |
Daryl Stevens | Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | wdsteve@clemson.edu |
Eric Weisenmiller | Associate Professor | Department of Graphic Communications | emweise@clemson.edu |
Erica Walker | Associate Professor | Department of Graphic Communications | eblack4@clemson.edu |
Gerry Derksen | Assistant Professor | Department of Graphic Communications | gderkse@clemson.edu |
Hanna Gilreath | Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | hgibson@clemson.edu |
Ian Ruff | Lab Manager | Department of Graphic Communications | iruff@clemson.edu |
John Seymour | Adjunct Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | jcseymo@clemson.edu |
Kern Cox | Senior Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | kernc@clemson.edu |
Michelle Fox | Senior Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | mbost@clemson.edu |
Nona Woolbright | Professor | Department of Graphic Communications | nwoolbr@clemson.edu |
Samantha Haselden | Administrative Coordinator | Department of Graphic Communications | suselma@clemson.edu |
Allan DeToma | Lecturer | Department of Management | ddetoma@clemson.edu |
Amy Ingram | Associate Professor | Department of Management | amyi@clemson.edu |
Andrea Perla | Advisor | Department of Management | amperla@clemson.edu |
Benjamin Grant | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | bngrant@clemson.edu |
Beth Yoder | Senior Lecturer | Department of Management | bethy@clemson.edu |
Bill Kettinger | Professor | Department of Management | wkttngr@clemson.edu |
Chad Navis | Arthur M. Spiro Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Professor | Department of Management | chadn@clemson.edu |
Christopher Mann | Clinical Professor | Department of Management | crmann@clemson.edu |
Craig Wallace | Chair, Professor | Department of Management | cw74@clemson.edu |
David Peyton | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Management | dpeyton@clemson.edu |
DeMorris Walker | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Management | dwalke2@clemson.edu |
Dirk Roskam | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Management | droskam@clemson.edu |
Fiona Sweeney | Program Assistant | Department of Management | fsweene@clemson.edu |
Gabriela Peschiera | Lecturer | Department of Management | gpeschi@clemson.edu |
He Li | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | hl3@clemson.edu |
Hongki Kim | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | hongkik@clemson.edu |
Hope Parnell | Senior Lecturer | Department of Management | parnel2@clemson.edu |
J. Blake Snider | Associate Chair, Associate Professor | Department of Management | sniderb@clemson.edu |
James Liddle | Lecturer | Department of Management | jwliddl@clemson.edu |
Jason Kiley | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | jkiley@clemson.edu |
Jiahui Mo | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | jiahuim@clemson.edu |
John Tripp | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | jftripp@clemson.edu |
José Sagarnaga | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Management | jsagarn@clemson.edu |
Keith Hudgins | Lecturer | Department of Management | jkhudgi@clemson.edu |
Keith W. Balts | Professor of Practice in Leadership | Department of Management | kbalts@clemson.edu |
Kevin McKenzie | Lecturer | Department of Management | pappy@clemson.edu |
Kristin Scott | Professor, Program Director of Executive Leadership Ph.D. | Department of Management | kscott3@clemson.edu |
Lawrence Fredendall | Professor | Department of Management | flawren@clemson.edu |
Leonard Spooner | Senior Lecturer | Department of Management | lspoone@clemson.edu |
Liz Laxton | Lecturer | Department of Management | pope4@clemson.edu |
Lori Tribble Trudell | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | lltribb@clemson.edu |
M. Serkan Akturk | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | makturk@clemson.edu |
Mac Dye | Student Services Coordinator | Department of Management | modye@clemson.edu |
Matt Hersel | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | mhersel@clemson.edu |
Michele Minetola | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Management | mmineto@clemson.edu |
Monica Simsek | Lecturer | Department of Management | msimsek@clemson.edu |
Nick Stancil | Administrative Coordinator | Department of Management | nstanci@clemson.edu |
Ondina Sevilla-Rovirosa | Lecturer | Department of Management | osevill@clemson.edu |
Philip Roth | Professor | Department of Management | rothp@clemson.edu |
Ron Landis | Clinical Associate Professor | Department of Management | rslandi@clemson.edu |
Russell Purvis | Professor | Department of Management | rlpurvi@clemson.edu |
Ryan Holley | Student Services Coordinator | Department of Management | rholle2@clemson.edu |
Ryan Toole | Senior Lecturer | Department of Management | rtoole@clemson.edu |
Sandy White | Lecturer | Department of Management | smw@clemson.edu |
Sharon Sheridan | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | ssherid@clemson.edu |
Sherry Cantrell | Administrative Specialist II | Department of Management | csherry@clemson.edu |
Wayne Stewart, Jr. | Professor, Graduate Coordinator | Department of Management | waynes@clemson.edu |
William Dinardo | Lecturer | Department of Management | wdinard@clemson.edu |
Zachary Leffakis | Senior Lecturer | Department of Management | zleffak@clemson.edu |
Aadhaar Chaturvedi | Associate Professor | Department of Management | aadhaac@clemson.edu |
Zeki Simsek | Gressette Endowed Chair of Business Strategy and Planning | Department of Management | zsimsek@clemson.edu |
Zhihong Ke | Assistant Professor | Department of Management | zke@clemson.edu |
Adam Stone | Professor of Practice | Department of Marketing | aston22@clemson.edu |
Amanda Fine | Assistant Department Chair, Principal Lecturer, Internship Coordinator | Department of Marketing | acoope2@clemson.edu |
Anastasia Thyroff | Associate Professor | Department of Marketing | thyroff@clemson.edu |
Angeline Close Scheinbaum | Dan Duncan Professor of Sports Marketing, Associate Professor | Department of Marketing | aschein@clemson.edu |
Annette Tower | Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | atower@clemson.edu |
April Bowen | Academic Advisor | Department of Marketing | bowen2@clemson.edu |
Carter McElveen | Principal Lecturer | Department of Marketing | cwill24@clemson.edu |
Danny Weathers | Chair, Professor | Department of Marketing | pweath2@clemson.edu |
David Sturkey | Lecturer | Department of Marketing | dsturke@clemson.edu |
Debbie Cornett | Administrative Coordinator | Department of Marketing | dholbro@clemson.edu |
Gail Vermillion | Lecturer | Department of Marketing | mvermil@clemson.edu |
Ishani Banerji | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | ibanerj@clemson.edu |
James Gaubert | Principal Lecturer | Department of Marketing | gauberj@clemson.edu |
Alec Pappas | Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | pappas5@clemson.edu |
Jesse Moore | Associate Professor | Department of Marketing | jessem@clemson.edu |
Jon Lopez | Adjunct Lecturer | Department of Marketing | jonl@clemson.edu |
Kevin Flynn | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | kaflynn@clemson.edu |
Kristen Dean | Adjunct Lecturer | Department of Marketing | kwdean@clemson.edu |
Kristy Lockhart | Academic Advisor | Department of Marketing | kristyl@clemson.edu |
Larry Carter | Clinical Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | llcarte@clemson.edu |
Lisa Beeler | Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | lbeeler@clemson.edu |
Lisa Papenfus | Lecturer | Department of Marketing | lwillif@clemson.edu |
Mary Anne Raymond | Professor | Department of Marketing | mar@clemson.edu |
Meg Robbins | Marketing Academic Advisor | Department of Marketing | marobbi@clemson.edu |
Michael Giebelhausen | Associate Professor | Department of Marketing | mgiebel@clemson.edu |
Michele Cauley | Professor of Practice | Department of Marketing | cauley@clemson.edu |
Pravin Nath | Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | pnath@clemson.edu |
Ryan Mullins | J. Daniel and Nancy Garrison Distinguished Professor of Sales, Professor | Department of Marketing | rmullin@clemson.edu |
Sayan Gupta | Assistant Professor | Department of Marketing | sayang@clemson.edu |
Scott Swain | Professor | Department of Marketing | sdswain@clemson.edu |
T. Andrew Poehlman | Associate Professor | Department of Marketing | tpoehlm@clemson.edu |
Tom Smallhorn | Professor of Practice | Department of Marketing | tsmallh@clemson.edu |
Xianyong Wang | Senior Lecturer | Department of Marketing | xianyon@clemson.edu |
Katie Hildebrand | Executive Director | Erwin Center for Brand Communications | kjmoone@clemson.edu |
Lori Pindar | Assistant Director | Erwin Center for Brand Communications | lorip@clemson.edu |
Cindy Jefferson | Assistant Business Officer | Financial Affairs | jeffers@clemson.edu |
Jennifer Dunton | Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II | Financial Affairs | jdunton@clemson.edu |
Marlo Raymark | Financial Officer | Financial Affairs | mraymar@clemson.edu |
Reed Watson | Director | Hayek Center for the Business of Prosperity | reed81@clemson.edu |
Emilee Mayo | Primary HR Service Manager | Human Resources | mayo2@clemson.edu |
Eric Bamberg | HR Payroll Liaison | Human Resources | edbambe@clemson.edu |
Kirk St John | Secondary HR Service Manager | Human Resources | stjohn@clemson.edu |
Thomas Winslow Hazlett | Director | Information Economy Project | hazlett@clemson.edu |
Derek Antos | Information Resource Consultant I | IT Support | djantos@clemson.edu |
Theo Harrison, Jr. | Information Resource Consultant II | IT Support | theoh@clemson.edu |
Carter McElveen | Director of Operations | J. Daniel and Nancy Garrison Sales Innovation Program | cwill24@clemson.edu |
Charleen Fitzgerald | Signature Program Operations Manager | Dean's Office | cdtimme@clemson.edu |
Kristen Dean | Adjunct Professor | J. Daniel and Nancy Garrison Sales Innovation Program | kwdean@clemson.edu |
Lisa Beeler | Director of Student Development | J. Daniel and Nancy Garrison Sales Innovation Program | lbeeler@clemson.edu |
Ryan Mullins | Executive Director | J. Daniel and Nancy Garrison Sales Innovation Program | rmullin@clemson.edu |
Aspen Gorry | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | cgorry@clemson.edu |
Babur De Los Santos | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | babur@clemson.edu |
Bradley Hobbs | Clinical Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | hobbs4@clemson.edu |
Carol Sweeney | Acting Assistant Chair, Senior Lecturer | John E. Walker Department of Economics | csween6@clemson.edu |
Charles Thomas | Clinical Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | cjt@clemson.edu |
Cheng Chen | Assistant Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | cchen9@clemson.edu |
David Drukker | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | ddrukke@clemson.edu |
Curtis Simon | Professor, Ph.D. Graduate Coordinator | John E. Walker Department of Economics | cjsmn@clemson.edu |
Daria Litsukova-Bokar | Adjunct Faculty | John E. Walker Department of Economics | dlitsuk@clemson.edu |
Devon Gorry | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | dgorry@clemson.edu |
F. Andrew Hanssen | Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | fhansse@clemson.edu |
Howard Bodenhorn | Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | bodnhrn@clemson.edu |
Jonathan M. Leganza | Assistant Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | jleganz@clemson.edu |
Kimmie Albertson | Administrative Coordinator | John E. Walker Department of Economics | kr2@clemson.edu |
Matthew Lewis | Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | mslewis@clemson.edu |
Michael Makowsky | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | mdmakow@clemson.edu |
Michal Jerzmanowski | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | mjerzma@clemson.edu |
Miren Ivankovic | Adjunct Faculty | John E. Walker Department of Economics | mivanko@clemson.edu |
Molly Espey | Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | mespey@clemson.edu |
Patrick Warren | Associate Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | pwarren@clemson.edu |
Paul Wilson | J. Wilson Newman Professor of Economics | John E. Walker Department of Economics | pww@clemson.edu |
Reed Watson | Professor of Practice | John E. Walker Department of Economics | reed81@clemson.edu |
Robert Fleck | Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator | John E. Walker Department of Economics | rfleck@clemson.edu |
Robert Tamura | Interim Chair | John E. Walker Department of Economics | rtamura@clemson.edu |
Mandy Dockendorf | Undergraduate Student Advisor and Registration Coordinator | John E. Walker Department of Economics | adocken@clemson.edu |
Scott Baier | Acting Associate Dean for Research | Dean's Office | sbaier@clemson.edu |
Scott Templeton | Associate Professor, Bachelor-to-Master Advisor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | stemple@clemson.edu |
Thomas Andrew Evans | Clinical Associate Professor, Masters Program Graduate Coordinator | John E. Walker Department of Economics | tevans6@clemson.edu |
Thomas Winslow Hazlett | Hugh H. Macaulay Endowed Chair of Economics | John E. Walker Department of Economics | hazlett@clemson.edu |
William Dougan | Alumni Distinguished Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | douganw@clemson.edu |
Yichen Christy Zhou | Assistant Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | yichen2@clemson.edu |
Grace Newsom | Content Coordinator/Writer | Marketing and Communications | gnewsom@clemson.edu |
Jacob Chambers | Director | Marketing and Communications | jhc6@clemson.edu |
Leslie Winkler | Website Manager | Marketing and Communications | winkle3@clemson.edu |
Beth Lorenz | Director of Global Engagement | Office of Career and Global Engagement | elorenz@clemson.edu |
David Harmon | Employer Engagement Coordinator | Office of Career and Global Engagement | daharmo@clemson.edu |
Elli Miles | Career Engagement Coordinator | Office of Career and Global Engagement | ellib@clemson.edu |
Lili Klar | Global Engagement Coordinator | Office of Career and Global Engagement | cklar@clemson.edu |
Lisa Bundrick | Director of Career Engagement | Office of Career and Global Engagement | mebundr@clemson.edu |
Joyce Bane | Career & Professional Development Advisor | Office of Career and Global Engagement | jbane@clemson.edu |
Amy Littleton | Advising, Registration & Undergraduate Coordinator | School of Accountancy | aep4@clemson.edu |
Andy Weaver | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | apweave@clemson.edu |
Anna McElreath | Administrative Coordinator I | School of Accountancy | anglenn@clemson.edu |
Annieka Philo | Senior Lecturer | School of Accountancy | aphilo@clemson.edu |
Babak Mammadov | Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | bmammad@clemson.edu |
Brian Goodson | Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | bmgoods@clemson.edu |
Caleb Martin | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | calebm@clemson.edu |
Carl Hollingsworth | Professor | School of Accountancy | chollin@clemson.edu |
Charles Tegen | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | ctegen@clemson.edu |
Chris Edwards | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | ce2@clemson.edu |
Courtney Yazzie | Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | cyazzie@clemson.edu |
David Garrison, Jr. | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | wgarri2@clemson.edu |
Derek Dalton | Professor, Powers Distinguished Fellow | School of Accountancy | dalton5@clemson.edu |
Emily McCorkle | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | elong@clemson.edu |
Erin Hawkins | Assistant Professor, Charles D. and Katrina M. Way Faculty Fellow | School of Accountancy | emhawki@clemson.edu |
Frances Edwards | Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | edwardf@clemson.edu |
Greg McPhee | Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | gmcphee@clemson.edu |
Holly Hawk | Clinical Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | hrhawk@clemson.edu |
Jace Garrett | Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | jaceg@clemson.edu |
Jeffrey McMillan | Professor | School of Accountancy | mjeffre@clemson.edu |
Jeremy Vinson | Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | jmvinso@clemson.edu |
Jesse Gardner | Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | jgrdnr@clemson.edu |
Jimmy Barnes | Senior Lecturer | School of Accountancy | jbarne2@clemson.edu |
John Ledbetter | Clinical Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | jhledbe@clemson.edu |
Judson Jahn | Senior Lecturer | School of Accountancy | judsonj@clemson.edu |
Julie Grant | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | jhgrant@clemson.edu |
K. Scott Toussaint | Senior Lecturer | School of Accountancy | ktoussa@clemson.edu |
Kathryn Kisska-Schulze | Associate Director, Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | kkisska@clemson.edu |
Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber | Visiting Adjunct International Scholar | School of Accountancy | lbellor@clemson.edu |
Marc Cussatt | Assistant Professor, Charles D. and Katrina M. Way Faculty Fellow | School of Accountancy | mcussat@clemson.edu |
Mary Gibson | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | mgibso2@clemson.edu |
Phillips Workman | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | pworkma@clemson.edu |
Nancy Harp | Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | nharp@clemson.edu |
Nicholas Krupa | Clinical Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | nrkrupa@clemson.edu |
Paul Bonney | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | pbonney@clemson.edu |
Peter Schlicksup | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | pschlic@clemson.edu |
Phebian Davis-Culler | MPAcc Program Coordinator, Clinical Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | phebiad@clemson.edu |
Joseph Achinapura | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | jachina@clemson.edu |
Phillip Entzminger | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | pentzmi@clemson.edu |
Robin Radtke | Director, Associate Professor | School of Accountancy | radtke@clemson.edu |
Russ Madray | Senior Lecturer | School of Accountancy | mj@clemson.edu |
Ryan Polk | Assistant Professor | School of Accountancy | rcpolk@clemson.edu |
Sebrina Clayton | Administrative Assistant | School of Accountancy | sebrinc@clemson.edu |
Suzanne Pearse | Principal Lecturer | School of Accountancy | spearse@clemson.edu |
Terry Knause | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | tknause@clemson.edu |
Andrea Galehouse | Region Office Manager | Small Business Development Center | agaleho@clemson.edu |
Ben Calhoun | Clemson Area Manager | Small Business Development Center | bncalho@clemson.edu |
Ben Smith | Director | Small Business Development Center | bennys@clemson.edu |
Brian Gilmer | Business Consultant | Small Business Development Center | bgilmer@clemson.edu |
Tabby Studebaker | Business Consultant | Small Business Development Center | tstudeb@clemson.edu |
Katrina Meeks | Spartanburg Area Manager | Small Business Development Center | meeks5@clemson.edu |
Matt Dean | Greenwood Area Manager | Small Business Development Center | mcdean@clemson.edu |
Sherry Pittinger | Government Programs Consultant | Small Business Development Center | spittin@clemson.edu |
Allie Larson Thomson | Events Director | Special Events | anlarso@clemson.edu |
Heyward Owens | Events Assistant Coordinator | Special Events | heywaro@clemson.edu |
Andrew Hurley | Partner Faculty, Packaging Science | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | asear@clemson.edu |
Chip Tonkin | Co-Director | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | tonkin@clemson.edu |
E. Jeffery Rhodehamel | Associate Director | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | jrhode@clemson.edu |
Haley Appleby | Co-Director | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | heapple@clemson.edu |
Kenny Tucker | Assistant Director | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | vtucker@clemson.edu |
Nate Newsome | Virtual Reality Developer | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | nathann@clemson.edu |
Shane Hutchings | Lab Manager | The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | chutchi@clemson.edu |
Bobby Congdon | Adjunct Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | rcongdo@clemson.edu |
Katie Hildebrand | Professor Of Practice | Department of Graphic Communications | kjmoone@clemson.edu |
Andrew Goforth | Student Services Coordinator | Department of Graphic Communications | wagofor@clemson.edu |
Gail DePriest | Lecturer | Department of Management | gpriest@clemson.edu |
John Hannon | Senior Lecturer | Department of Management | jmhanno@clemson.edu |
Matthew Klein | Lecturer | Department of Management | mcklein@clemson.edu |
Craig Hawkins | Lecturer | School of Accountancy | chwkns@clemson.edu |
Elizabeth Braswell | Social Media Coordinator | Marketing and Communications | ebraswe@clemson.edu |
Jeff Wilds | IT Consultant I | IT Support | jwilds@clemson.edu |
Hannah Callison | Academic Advisor | Department of Finance | hcallis@clemson.edu |
Paulo Lins | Assistant Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | plins@clemson.edu |
Joseph Pedtke | Assistant Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | jpedtke@clemson.edu |
Adam Soliman | Assistant Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | asolima@clemson.edu |
Robert C. Marshall | Lecturer | John E. Walker Department of Economics | rcmarsh@clemson.edu |
Gary Shiffman | Visiting Professor | John E. Walker Department of Economics | gshiffm@clemson.edu |
Eamon Espey | Lecturer | John E. Walker Department of Economics | eespey@clemson.edu |
Ernesto Aldana | Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | jvizcai@clemson.edu |
Stephen Buschbom | Lecturer | Department of Finance | sbuschb@clemson.edu |
Kwanho Kim | Lecturer | Department of Finance | kwanhok@clemson.edu |
Harrison Ham | Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | hham2@clemson.edu |
Corbin Fox | Assistant Professor | Department of Finance | cfox5@clemson.edu |
Lori Pindar | Senior Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | lorip@clemson.edu |
Danita Swaney | Lecturer | Department of Graphic Communications | dswaney@clemson.edu |
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Copyright © Clemson University
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634