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Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

Profile Information

Derek Dalton

Derek W. Dalton

Powers Distinguished Fellow
Professor of Accounting

Office: 409G: Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business


 Educational Background

    Ph.D. Accounting
    Texas Tech University 2010

    M.P.A. Accounting
    University of South Dakota 2006

    B.A. Accounting
    Northwestern College 2004

Courses Taught

  • Corporate Taxation
  • Individual Taxation
  • Taxation of Business Decisions (i.e., Corporate/Partnership/S-Corp taxation)
  • Managerial Accounting for Undergrads
  • Managerial Accounting for MBAs
  • Cost Accounting


Professor Dalton joined the School of Accountancy at Clemson University in 2010. He received his Ph.D. in accounting from Texas Tech University. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) in the state of Iowa. Prior to entering his doctoral program, he was employed in public accounting, primarily working on corporate and partnership tax issues. Professor Dalton teaches graduate courses in Corporate Taxation, Partnership/S-Corp Taxation, and Managerial Accounting. He received the 2018-2019 MBA Professor of the Year Award within the College of Business.

Research Interests

  • Professor Dalton's research focuses on work-life balance and turnover in the accounting profession. He served as the President of the Gender Issues and Work-Life Balance Section of the American Accounting Association from 2019-2020. Within the College of Business, Professor Dalton received both the 2014 Emerging Scholar Research Award and the 2018 Senior Scholar Research Excellence Award. He currently serves (or has recently served) on the editorial review boards at "Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory," "Accounting and the Public Interest," "Behavioral Research in Accounting," and "Contemporary Accounting Research."

Research Publications

  • Barnes, B, M. Cussatt, D. Dalton, and N. Harp. 2024. Overloaded and Overwhelmed: Weakened Partner Aspirations of Women Public Accountants during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Contemporary Accounting Research.
  • Bailey, C., D. Dalton, N. Harp, and T. Phillips. 2024. Socializing Remote Newcomers in Public Accounting: Challenges and Best Practices from the Perspective of Experienced Big 4 Professionals. Accounting Horizons.
  • Barnes, B., M. Cussatt, D. Dalton, and N. Harp. 2024. Partner-Track Aspirations in Public Accounting: Comparisons between Partners and Non-Partners. Accounting Horizons.
  • D. Dalton, J. Garrett, N. Harp, and G. McPhee. 2023. An Analysis of Organizational Support for Telecommuting in Public Accounting Firms. Behavioral Research in Accounting.
  • P. Bagley, D. Dalton, C. K. Eller, and N. Harp. 2021. Preparing Students for the Future of Work: Lessons Learned from Telecommuting in Public Accounting. Journal of Accounting Education.
  • D. Dalton. 2021. The Effects of Machiavellianism and Ethical Environment on Whistle-blowing Across Low and High Moral Intensity Settings. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research.
  • D. Dalton, J. Vinson, and S. Widener. 2020. Is Prestige Only Beneficial? A Cost of Perceived External Prestige Among Accounting Employees. European Accounting Review.
  • J. Cohen, D. Dalton, J. McMillan, L. Holder-Webb. 2020. An Analysis of the Glass Ceiling in the Accounting Profession. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • S. Buchheit, D. Dalton, T. Pollard, and S. Stinson. 2019. Crowdsourcing Intelligent Research Participants: A Student versus MTurk Comparison. Behavioral Research in Accounting.
  • Bobek-Schmitt, D., D. Dalton, A. Hageman, and R. Radtke. 2019. An Experiential Investigation of Tax Professionals' Contentious Interactions with Clients. The Journal of the American Taxation Association.
  • Cohen, J., D. Dalton, and N. Harp. 2017. Neutral and presumptive doubt perspectives of professional skepticism and auditor job outcomes. Accounting, Organizations, and Society.
  • Bobek, D., D. Dalton, B. Daugherty, A. Hageman, and R. Radtke. 2017. An Investigation of Ethical Environments of CPAs: Public Accounting versus Industry. Behavioral Research in Accounting.
  • Buchheit, S., D. Dalton, N. Harp, and C. Hollingsworth. 2016. A Contemporary Analysis of Accounting Professionals' Work-Life Balance. Accounting Horizons.
  • Dalton, D., N. Harp, D. Oler, and S. Widener. 2016. Managing the Review Process in Accounting Research: Advice from the Trenches. Issues in Accounting Education.
  • Dalton, D., A. Davis, and R. Viator. 2015. The Joint Effect of Unfavorable Supervisory Feedback Environments and External Mentoring on Job Attitudes and Job Outcomes in the Public Accounting Profession. Behavioral Research in Accounting.
  • Dalton, D., S. Buchheit, and J. J. McMillan. 2014. Audit and Tax Career Paths in Public Accounting: An Analysis of Student and Professional Perceptions. Accounting Horizons.
  • Dalton, D., J. Cohen, N. Harp, and J. J. McMillan. 2014. Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Gender Discrimination in the Audit Profession. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory.
  • Dalton, D., S. Buchheit, S. Murray, D. Oler, and M. Zhou. 2013. Enforcement Mechanisms for SEC Reporting Deadlines. Research in Accounting Regulation.
  • Dalton, D., and R. Radtke. 2013. The Joint Effects of Machiavellianism and Ethical Environment on Whistle-blowing. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Bagley, P, D. Dalton, and M. Ortegren. 2013. Targeted Recruiting and Retention. The CPA Journal.
  • Viator, R. E., D. Dalton, and N. Harp. 2012. How to be a Successful Mentor: Managing Challenges, Avoiding Pitfalls, and Recognizing Benefits. The CPA Journal.
  • Bagley, P. L., D. Dalton, and M. Ortegren. 2012. The Factors that Affect Accountants' Decisions to Seek Careers with Big 4 versus Non-Big 4 Accounting Firms. Accounting Horizons.
  • Buchheit, S., D. Dalton, T. Downen, and S. Pippen. 2012. Outcome Feedback, Incentives, and Performance: Evidence from a Relatively Complex Forecasting Task. Behavioral Research in Accounting.
  • Dalton, D., and M. Ortegren. 2011. Gender Differences in Ethics Research: The Importance of Controlling for the Social Desirability Response Bias. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Viator, R. E., and D. Dalton. 2011. Eight Ways to Expand your Mentoring Network. Journal of Accountancy.
Faculty Profile
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634