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Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business

Profile Information

Babur De los Santos

Babur De los Santos

Associate Professor
Director of the Business Analytics Program

Office: Powers 318L
Personal Website:


 Educational Background

    Ph. D. Economics
    University of Chicago 2008

    M.A. Economics
    University of Chicago 2003

    M.A. Economics
    El Colegio de Mexico 2003

    B.A. Economics
    ITESM Monterrey (Mexico) 1997


Babur De los Santos is an associate professor in the John E. Walker Department of Economics who specializes in the areas of industrial organization
who specializes in empirical industrial organization, applied microeconomics, and econometrics. His research lies at the intersection of marketing, industrial organization, and information technology with a particular emphasis on informational frictions faced by consumers in online markets. His work has generated new insights on consumer search on the Internet, product customization in online platforms, and search engine optimization, among others.

Research Interests

  • Industrial organization, empirical microeconomics, economics of online markets, consumer search, antitrust and competition policy

Research Publications

  • Testing Models of Consumer Search Using Data on Web Browsing and Purchasing Behavior (with Ali Hortaçsu and Matthijs Wildenbeest). American Economic Review, 102(6): 2955-80, 2012.
  • Search Engine Optimization: What Drives Organic Traffic to Retail Sites? (with Michael R. Baye and Matthijs Wildenbeest). Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 25(1): 6-31, Spring 2016. Lead article.
  • Search with Learning for Differentiated Products: Evidence from E-Commerce (with Ali Hortaçsu and Matthijs Wildenbeest). Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 35(4): 626-641, 2017.
  • Optimizing Click-through in Online Rankings with Endogenous Search Refinement (with Sergei Koulayev). Marketing Science, 36(4): 542-564 2017.
  • E-book Pricing and Vertical Restraints (with Matthijs R. Wildenbeest), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 15(2): 85-122, 2017.
  • What's in a Name? Measuring Prominence and Its Impact on Organic Traffic from Search Engines (with Michael R. Baye and and Matthijs R. Wildenbeest). Information Economics and Policy, 34: 44-57, 2016.
  • Searching for Physical and Digital Media: The Evolution of Platforms for Finding Books (with Michael R. Baye and Matthijs R. Wildenbeest) in NBER's Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy, ed. by S. Greenstein, A. Goldfarb, and C. Tucker. University of Chicago Press, May 2015.
  • Consumer Search on the Internet. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 58: 66-105, May 2018.
  • Do MSRPs Decrease Prices? (with In Kyung Kim and Dmitry Lubensky). International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59: 429-457, July 2018.


Faculty Profile
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business | 343 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634