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LSP Company Photo Spring 2022
Leadership Signature Program


LSP Courses

Practicum Courses

Note: These courses require instructor consent via the pre-registration process.

BUS 2700 - Year 1 students, Leading Self and Others: Each week, Year 1 students will complete a product, participate in a student-led activity or discussion associated with that product, plus participate in or lead an additional activity, all based on one or several of the student learning outcomes.

BUS 3700 - Year 2 students, Leading Teams: Having completed all products and participated in the discussions and activities during BUS 2700, these second-year students will be assigned as Team Leads to lead their Year 1 students through each activity and discussion. They will also set expectations and provide feedback and a final assessment of their Year 1 student's performance throughout the semester.

BUS 4700 - Year 3 students, Leading Leaders, Organizations and Change: Having served as a Team Lead during BUS 3700, these third-year students will be assigned as a senior (i.e., executive-level) leader to lead multiple Team Leads and oversee a primary organizational function for the entire Practicum. These functions will be aligned to the traditional business functions students will likely see in a professional environment, i.e., Marketing, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Financial Resource Management, Information Management, etc. These responsibilities will also include proposing, planning, executing, and debriefing one or multiple activities for the Practicum.

Non-Practicum Leadership-Focused Courses

Department Course Number Course Title
ACCT 4100 Contemporary Reporting and Management Control Systems
AS   Select AFROTC courses - contact LSP Director
BUS 3400 Global Leadership Lessons (also meets Global Challenges credit for General Education requirements)
ECON 3500 The Moral and Economic Aspects of a Market Economy
ECON 2050 Why Business?
ELE 4020 Venture Planning
LAW 3400 Global Business Negotiations and Legal Dispute Resolution
MGT 3070 Human Resources Management
MGT 3080 Servant Leadership
MGT 3500 Foundations in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making
MGT 3810 Applied Managerial Skills (also ANTH 3810)
MGT 3900 Operations Management
MGT 4000 Management of Organizational Behavior
MGT 4050 Leadership Development
MGT 4080 Lean Operations
MGT 4110 Project Management
MGT 4270 Managing Continuous Improvement
ML   Select AROTC courses - contact LSP Director
NPL 3000 Foundations in Non-Profit Leadership
POSC 4580 Political Leadership
PSYC 3680 Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3690 Leadership in Organizational Settings
PSYC 3770 The Psychology of Group and Team Dynamics
SOC 4500 Sociology of Groups and Group Processes
WS 2300 Women and Leadership I
WS 2400 Women and Leadership II

Interested business students should pre-register for the Leadership Practicum as early as possible, as students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrolled students will formally apply for the certificate after their first year in the Practicum.

Leadership Signature Program
Leadership Signature Program | The Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business, Clemson University