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LSP Company Photo Spring 2022
Leadership Signature Program


What our students are saying...

Female with long dark hair, wearing a white shirt and smiling.

“LSP has transformed me from a confident doer to a confident leader. It has shown me that a leader goes beyond one's title and taught me the importance of servant leadership. I applied my newfound skills and confidence to my internship this past Summer, and I look forward to using them more in the future.”

Megan Burns, Management
Expected Graduation Date: May 2025
Company Position: Executive Leader for Marketing Department
Man with short dark curly hair wearing a dark jacket and white shirt and smiling.

“"Blind Leading the Blind” was a fun activity that taught me valuable leadership skills as our team had to work together to complete our assigned task. I'm excited to keep improving and leveling up my leadership abilities!”

Wilmer Contreras, Economics
Graduation Date: May 2027
Company Position: Returning Year One Leader, FDF for Facilities and Equipment
Man with short brown hair smiling and wearing a purple collared pullover.

“LSP has helped me grow in skills like professional communication, giving feedback and public speaking. For underclassmen, if you want to improve problem-solving and communication, this program is ideal. One of my highlights was a networking event in the president's suite, and the skills I've gained have been invaluable in the real world.”

Justin DiBona, Financial Management and Accounting
Graduation Date: May 2026
Company Position: Vice Chief Executive Officer
Woman with long brown hair, smiling and wearing a white shirt and dark jacket.

“This is my third semester, and being the project leader for the networking reception has taught me professional communication, planning ahead and delegation. My biggest takeaway is learning to stay organized and lead myself and others to meet deadlines.”

Reagan Emory, Accounting
Graduation Date: May 2027
Company Position: Project Leader, PLR for Networking Reception
Woman with long reddish-brown hair smiling and wearing a white dress shirt and black jacket.

“I've been in the practicum for three semesters, and I am the DL for MDS this semester. LSP has improved my networking skills, which I've used at career fairs, and the practicum has strengthened my ability to delegate and trust my team.”

Samantha Rivero, Management and Marketing
Graduation Date: December 2026
Company Position: Department Leader, MDS for Social Media Department

What our alumni say...

Spring 2024 Alumni

Andrew Bakker

Andrew Bakker

Major: Management
Future Plans: Fall 2024 Graduation
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Project Officer (CPO)
Andrew Bakker LinkedIn

"The leadership signature program is a program of opportunities. This is not your average class but one where you can make a difference at any point. Many semesters ago, I had an idea to do a professional development project, and a few semesters later, I led this project to 60 other leaders. This opportunity truly taught me a lot, which helped propel me forward in the professional world."

Caleb Johnson

Caleb Johnson

Major: Accounting and Finance
Highest LSP Company Position: Vice Chief Executive Officer (CEOV)
Caleb Johnson LinkedIn

"The Leadership Signature Program has allowed me the opportunity to cultivate my leadership skills through experiential, hands-on learning. Through this program, I have found my own personal leadership identity, and I have had the opportunity to nurture it as I have progressed through the different levels of the program. This program has also given me the invaluable opportunity to be part of an environment that simulates many of the leadership challenges I will face in the corporate world. I am grateful that this program exists and that I have had the opportunity to connect with so many incredible future business leaders."

Sofiana Selmer

Sofiana Selmer

Major: Management
Future Plans: Spring 2025 Graduation
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Sofiana Selmer LinkedIn

"The Leadership Signature Program helped me gain a greater understanding of both leadership and communication styles. The way the program is set up, you are pushed to work with a variety of personalities and, thus, leadership styles as you work with different teams over the course of five semesters. You learn how to manage conflict, communicate and receive positive and negative feedback, and understand how to work with people diverse in thought processes and approaches to situations. Through the many leadership opportunities LSP provides, you are not only able to get out of your comfort zone and develop your own leadership style but also identify other's leadership and communication styles and adapt yours accordingly to most efficiently work with your team."

Savannah Weebe

Savannah Weebe

Major: Management
Future Plans: Graduate School
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Human Resource Officer, Chief Project Officer (CHRO, CPO)
Savannah Weebe LinkedIn

"LSP has given me the opportunity to work with many unique individuals of all majors and levels. I have not only been challenged to work with a variety of students who share the same passion of having a like-minded mentality for success but have fostered a wealth of connections and community. LSP has helped transform my career, as I was able to take on many different leadership roles. Through this program, I learned my leadership style and how I can be of influence to others, which I hope to take on beyond the classroom."

Fall 2023 Alumni

chaseLSP Trailblazer

Meaghan Chase

Major: Financial Management
Future Plans: Spring 2024 Graduation
Hometown: Knoxville, TN
Highest Company Position: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Meaghan Chase LinkedIn

"The Leadership Signature Program has been one of the most rewarding experiences that I have taken a part of in my time here at Clemson. Not only have I been able to improve my own leadership skills and the way that I hold myself around others, I have also been able to watch others lead and see the importance of different leadership styles. Additionally, this program has taught me so many technical and soft skills that I would have never thought about before participating in this program. And most importantly, it has given me the opportunity to have amazing role models and mentors, and in return, allowed me to mentor others. The confidence this practicum gives to college students is something remarkable, and it has been amazing being involved in something so special like this from the start. Thank you, Colonel Balts, Professor DePriest, Professor Alexander, Professor Goodrich-Cobb and Dean York, for the impact you have made on so many students like me."

petersonLSP Trailblazer

Aidan Peterson

Major: Financial Management
Future Plans: Spring 2024 Graduation
Hometown: Lexington SC
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Aidan Peterson LinkedIn

"LSP has allowed me to gain experience that I would not have attained in the standard academic environment. The skills and experience gained in LSP have translated directly to my experience in Corporate America. In addition, this program has made me a significantly more confident and effective leader. When I first joined LSP, I was a quiet and shy leader who often seemed unsure of himself. I struggled with being assertive and holding others accountable. After my time in LSP, I can now speak confidently in front of a group and hold my peers accountable in order to achieve key objectives."

chaseLSP Trailblazer

Nick Skiba

Major: Financial Management
Future Plans: Spring 2024 Graduation
Hometown: Hopkinton, MA
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)
Nick Skiba LinkedIn

"I would consider LSP one of the experiences that helped shape my Clemson Experience. I reflect on applying for the program, not knowing what to expect from an "Experiential Leadership Practicum" as I sat in my Sanders residence hall, but knowing the ability to lead is vital. Throughout my five semesters in the program, I couldn't be more grateful for Colonel Balts, Dean York, and everyone else who has and will contribute to the program. The practicum has opportunities to expand your comfort zone, learn about yourself, and, most notably, a robust environment for cultivating young leaders. Receiving weekly feedback helped me foster a mindset of growth and development that has prepared me for postgraduate life. Lastly, I could not be more thankful for the relationships I have made during the practicum. The time spent collaborating with others and working towards a common goal is unlike other college courses and offers a unique setting for learning."

chaseLSP Trailblazer

Becca Studer

Major: Management and Marketing
Future Plans: Spring 2024 Graduation
Hometown: Fort Mill, SC
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Becca Studer LinkedIn

"Experiencing each level of leadership within the Leadership Signature Program has taught me the value of, as our own Dean Wendy York would say, 'creating a loyal team that will walk up walls for you.' From my experience in LSP, there is no better way to do that than through servant leadership: honoring the individuals on your team, meeting them where they're at and acknowledging their needs, but meanwhile pushing them to go beyond the limits of what they think they can do. Not only have I grown as a leader but also as a person--this program helped highlight my strengths and identify my weaknesses, giving me a safe space to tackle both internal and external challenges. As one of the first graduating classes from the program, I am immensely proud of the growth and participation LSP has cultivated despite the changes and curveballs that the past four years have thrown at the world."

chaseLSP Trailblazer

Caroline Weaver

Major: Financial Management
Future Plans: Spring 2024 Graduation
Hometown: Lexington, SC
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Caroline Weaver LinkedIn

"The Leadership Signature Program has impacted my college experience in so many ways. It has given me opportunities to grow and develop not only as a leader but also as a person. I have been able to run the LSP social media platforms, oversee the equipment and facilities needed for the program, help plan and execute the networking reception, and so much more. Being surrounded by other students who are driven and have the desire to become better leaders has truly brought out the best in me. The Leadership Signature Program has given me the confidence and skills to know that once I leave Clemson, I will be able to make an impact wherever I may land. I am so thankful for this program and the lasting impact that it will have on me and my academic experience."

Spring 2023 Alumni

Photo of Emily GaskinsLSP ConsultantLSP Trailblazer

Emily Gaskins

Chief Resource Officer
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Fort Mill, SC
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Future Plans: Master of Accountancy Program at Clemson University and Audit intern at Deloitte in Charlotte, NC
Emily Gaskins LinkedIn

"For grad school, it has helped me learn to balance a workload as well as working within groups to accomplish tasks within that workload. I have been better prepared to make connections and work on group projects and presentations. LSP definitely helped me hone my presentation skills, which are extremely important in graduate school."

Photo of Kate WoynerowskiLSP Trailblazer

Kate Woynerowski

Chief Assessment Officer
Major: Economics
Hometown: Annapolis, MD
Highest LSP Company Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Future Plans: Associate Business Analyst at Exelon in Washington, DC
Kate Woynerowski LinkedIn

"LSP helped me gain confidence in both leading others and myself to success. In my current job, I have drawn from my LSP lessons and will be utilizing them to help run our Internship Program this summer, where I will be mentoring several interns."

Leadership Signature Program
Leadership Signature Program | The Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business, Clemson University