Summer Equestrian Camps
The Clemson University Equine Center offers three summer camps open to high school-age riders who are interested in riding in college and wish to further their horsemanship skills.
Tiger’s Rein Camp
Open to rising 9th graders through soon-to-be college freshmen (ages 13-18), Tiger's Rein caters specifically to western riders. This year Tiger's Rein will be an overnight camp, and campers will stay in the college dorms. This equestrian camp offers twice daily riding instruction with our western team coach. Riders will be divided according to riding level (prior riding experience is required) and will be given the opportunity to ride a variety of level-appropriate equestrian team horses. Lessons will focus on horsemanship and equitation skills and riders will utilize a variety of railwork and pattern exercises to hone their skills. Campers will enjoy recreational activities and educational workshops in addition to riding sessions. Space is limited, so prompt registration is suggested. The dates for Tiger's Rein Camp are May 28th - May 31st
Registration opens Thursday, February 13th 2025 at 9:00 am.
Tiger Talent Equestrian Camp
WE ARE NO LONGER HOSTING TIGER TALENT Equestrian Camp for rising 9th to 11th graders. We’ve enjoyed hosting Tiger Talent camps in previous years, but due to the intense nature and popularity of our riding camps, we’ve decided our hunt seat camps are most beneficial when geared towards older students with the goal of riding collegiately. We look forward to having your students come ride with us at Tiger’s Choice camp when they are juniors or seniors in high school!
Tiger's Choice Equestrian Camp
CUEC is now offering two different blocks of Tiger’s Choice camps over the summer. One session will be offered in June, and the other session will be offered in July in place of the Tiger Talent camp. These intensive riding camps give riders a taste of what it's like to ride on the Clemson Equestrian Team. Participants ride equestrian team horses twice daily in Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) format under the instruction of the team's head coach, while also experiencing the culture of Clemson University from a student perspective. Riders stay in the college dorms and enjoy a variety of fun and educational activities throughout the week in addition to daily riding sessions. Riders eligible for this camp are rising high school juniors, seniors, or incoming Clemson University freshmen. Attendees must be at least 16 years of age at the time of camp. Please contact us at for more information. HUNT SEAT ONLY; previous riding experience is required. The dates for Tiger's Choice are June 17th-21nd, 2024 and July 15th-18th 2025.
Note: Registration will be open Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 9:00am