What We Do
Our greatest priority is our students. The Clemson University Equine Center caters to the needs of students through various means including:
- Animal and Veterinary Science classes and labs
- The Clemson Equine-Assisted Therapy (CLEAT) Program
- Two IHSA equestrian teams
- Student employment
- Graduate research opportunities
- Boarding
We also take seriously our responsibility to our community. Current outreach programs include:
- Educational seminars and other continued learning opportunities
- Applied research on industry-relevant topics
- Private sales of young horses
- Summer riding camps for high school students

The goal of the Clemson University Equine Center is to be a student-centered, self-sustaining enterprise that serves as a leader in the South Carolina horse industry.
The facility that is now the Equine Center began as the Clemson sheep unit. In the mid-1970s, under the direction of Mr. Butch Kennedy, the farm housed both ovine and equine species, however, in approximately 2000, the CUEC became dedicated to horses alone. In 2009 it came under the management of the Animal and Veterinary Sciences department. The Equine Center has a strong tradition in producing stock horses but has also engaged in breeding both Arabians and Thoroughbreds for research and sales. 2021 marked our 45th consecutive year of producing American Quarter Horses, and the Center now produces top-quality hunter and sport horses as well as western performance and reining prospects. In total, the CUEC maintains a herd of approximately 50 horses for teaching, breeding, outreach, and research purposes. These horses represent a variety of breeds including Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds, and Warmbloods.

Join us for a tour of the Clemson University Equine Center! Tours are offered Monday through Friday at 3 pm or by appointment. General tours are aimed specifically at prospective students, but please feel free to contact us if you have a special area of interest.
Request a TourFacilities
The Clemson University Equine Center is located on 85 acres of rolling pasture land adjacent to the T. Ed Garrison Arena and only 10 minutes from the main Clemson University Campus. This teaching and research center is home to approximately 50 horses, mostly Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds, Warmbloods and crosses.
Learn More about Facilities

Open House
Meet the horses, students, and staff who make our equine program so special! Open House offers a day full of activities and fun for the whole family. Industry professionals present educational talks and Q&A sessions on topics relevant to riding and performance horses, while riding exhibitions by the Clemson Equestrian Team and Clemson Equine-Assisted Therapy (CLEAT) riders are scheduled throughout the day. Farm tours highlight our facilities, and the children's pony rides are always a family favorite. This event is held each year in April.