About Pathways
Pathways is an initiative to highlight and enhance the role of the humanities and social sciences at Clemson. Supported by a Cornerstone Grant from the Teagle Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, Pathways is animated by two fundamental goals: 1) to foster intellectual community among Clemson Faculty by highlighting shared lines of inquiry and creating opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration and discussion, and 2) to encourage Clemson students to explore fundamental questions about what makes us human and how we live together in a free and democratic society.
Academic CatalogAbout the Pathways Minor
The Pathways minor affords an opportunity for Clemson students of any major to engage in the close study of important works of thought and culture through meaningful discussions with their professors and their peers. The program is designed to accommodate students with limited room in their course schedules: most Pathways courses also count towards Crossings general education requirements.
Pathways helps students develop skills in persuasive reasoning and in flexible and creative problem-solving. These human-centered skills are sought-after by employers and will enhance the value of the knowledge students acquire in technical and pre-professional programs of study, while contributing to their development as lifelong learners and their long-term personal fulfillment.
2024-2025 Themes
Slavery and Memory
Common Reads: Percival Everett, James; Toni Morrison, “The Slavebody and the Blackbody”; Ilyon Woo, Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom
Common Reads: Polybius, The Histories, Book VI; Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte; Justin Phillip Reed, Indecency; Carl Schmitt, The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
Curriculum Overview
Gateway Group
The Pathways minor consists of a core group of HUM courses but can also be fulfilled through the additional courses below
Gateway (3 credits): HUM 1010 (Introduction to the Humanities), or 1 course from the Gateway group below
REL 1010 (Introduction to Religion)
PHIL 1010 (Introduction to Philosophic Problems)
HIST 1010 (History of the United States to 1877)
POSC 1010 (American National Government)
POSC 1030 (Introduction to Political Theory)
HON 1910 (First-Year Seminar: Arts and Humanities)
Core Group
Core Group (9 credits): HUM 3010 (Humanities, antiquity); HUM 3020 (Humanities, modern); HUM 3090 (Studies in Humanities), or any 3 of the following courses but with at least 2 at or above 3000-level:
ANTH 2010 (Introduction to Anthropology)
ART 2100 (Art Appreciation)
CHIN 4010 (Pre-Modern Chinese Literature in Translation)
CHIN 4990 (Topics in Chinese Culture)
ENGL 2120 (World Literature)* Prereq ENGL 1030
ENGL 2130 (British Literature)* Prereq ENGL 1030
ENGL 2140 (American Literature)* Prereq ENGL 1030
ENGL 2150 (Literature in 20th and 21st Century Contexts)*Prereq ENGL 1030
ENGL 2160 (African American Literature)* Prereq ENGL 1030
HIST 1720 (West and the World I)
HIST 1730 (West and the World II)
HON 2210 (Studies in Literature)
HON 2030 (Society, Art, and Humanities)
FR 2600 (Selected Topics in French Literature)
FR 3000 (Survey of French Literature)* Prereq FR 3050
GER 2600 (Selected Topics in German Literature)
GER 3600 (German Literature to 1832)* Prereq GER 3050 or 3060
ITAL 3020 (Modern Italian Literature)* Prereq ITAL 2020
JAPN 4010 (Japanese Literature in Translation)
PHIL 3260 (Science and Values)
POSC 3510 (Ancient Political Thought)
POSC 3530 (Modern Political Thought)
REL 3010 (The Old Testament)
REL 3020 (Survey of New Testament Literature)
REL 3030 (the Quran)
RUSS 3600 (Russian Literature to 1910)
SPAN 3040 (Intro to Hispanic Literary Forms)* Prereq SPAN 3020 or 3050
SOC 2010 (Introduction to Sociology)
THEA 3150 (Theatre History I)
THEA 3160 (Theatre History II)
THEA 3170 (African American Theatre I)
THEA 3180 (African American Theatre II)
Capstone Group
Capstone (3 credits): HUM 3060 (One Big Book) or 1 course from the capstone group
Capstone group
ANTH 3010 (Cultural Anthropology) * Prereq ANTH 2010
ANTH 3250 (Anthropology of Food)
ENGL 3560 (Science Fiction) * Prereq ENGL 2020, 2120, 2130, 2140, 2150, or 2160
ENGL 3490 (Technology and the Popular Imagination) * Prereq ENGL 2020, 2120, 2130, 2140, 2150, or 2160
ENGL 4110 (Shakespeare) * Prereq ENGL 2020, 2120, 2130, 2140, 2150, or 2160
ENGL 4260 (Southern Literature) * Prereq ENGL 2020, 2120, 2130, 2140, 2150, or 2160
HON 3960 (Global Challenges Seminar)
HIST 4370 (Slavery in Africa)
LANG 3480 (Special Topics in Languages and Global Challenges)* Prereq sophomore
LANG 4600 (Propaganda and the Totalitarian Recreation of the World)* Prereq Junior
LANG 4620 (Borders)* Prereq Junior
PHIL 3480 (Philosophies of Art)
PHIL 4010 (Studies in the History of Philosophy)
POSC 4500 (Selective Topics in Political Theory)
REL 3350 (Islam and the West)
REL 4010 (Studies in Biblical Literature and Religion)