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College of Arts and Humanities

Research and Faculty Affairs

Research Strategy

CAH is committed to Clemson Elevate’s target of doubling research by 2035. Research productivity in the arts and humanities is evident in academic and creative publications, as well as professional activities that increase visibility and reputation.

Our research pursues an understanding of fundamental questions across disciplines and provides students opportunities for engagement with them.

Associate Dean Amit Bein

“The College of Arts and Humanities is known for the world-class scholarship and artistic creativity of our faculty, which we intend to continue to support and enhance toward achieving the University’s strategic goal of doubling research by 2035.”

Amit Bein
Associate Dean
College of Arts and Humanities

Proposal Submissions

Have an idea for funding?  Send us an email about where you are in the process, and we'll work to provide you with proper support.

Key CAH Contacts

Grants and Project Manager:  Brad Docheff

OSP Support Center Administrator: Lauryn Reigle

AD for Research and Faculty Affairs: Amit Bein

General Inquiries/Proposals:

CAH Faculty News

Faculty member teaches cuneiform

Scribal school learns to produce cuneiform
Dr. Thames’ Scribal School, where students in his Ancient Near East class learn to produce cuneiform, the ancient writing technology of the Levant.
College of Arts and Humanities | Research and Faculty Affairs
College of Arts and Humanities | Research and Faculty Affairs | 101 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634