Frequently Asked Questions
318 Riggs Hall
Hours: 8:00am–4:30pm M–F
Brand Resources
Request ServicesFrequently Asked Questions

Who can use PROMO's services?
The services of the PROMO Group are available exclusively to the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences. This includes all faculty and staff in the college.
What services does PROMO offer?
PROMO offers a broad spectrum of services to tell your story. The best method depends largely on the audience you are trying to reach. Our services include news releases, newsletter stories, social media posts, publications development, website development, brand/logo development, display/exhibit support (including banners, signs and trade-show displays), template creation, and more.
Can PROMO help me spread my news/announcement?
CECAS has a talented and prolific group of faculty members and students. Many are deserving of recognition. In an effort to ensure that all are treated fairly and that we serve the missions of our college and the University, PROMO has developed a few guidelines for story promotion. You can find these over on our News Coverage page.
News Coverage -
How much notice does PROMO require?
The PROMO team is always juggling numerous projects and deadlines, so the more notice you can provide, the better chance we have of assisting you. Although we cannot guarantee service in every instance, we recommend the following guidelines to ensure PROMO has the best chance of providing what you need.
- Social media posts, event coverage, newsletters or email announcements - Notify PROMO at least two weeks prior to the event or deadline.
- News coverage of research grants, awards, ongoing research, major events, or any newsworthy story or activity – Allow 4-6 weeks for PROMO to schedule and conduct interviews and video shoots, prepare the story, and receive the necessary feedback and approvals.
- Small print or brand designs – Allow 2-3 weeks to complete the design of your project. If printing services are also required, an additional 1-2 weeks may be necessary for Print Services or the vendor to complete the project.
- Large print publications such as booklets or reports – A minimum of 4 weeks is required for the design process. More time may be necessary depending on the size and complexity of the request. If printing services are also required, an additional 3-4 weeks may be necessary for Print Services or the vendor to complete the project.
- Web services, including new websites or major edits to existing sites – The individual/group requesting the service will need to provide all materials necessary to complete the project. This includes site maps, copy and suggestions for photography/video. Once those are provided, a minimum of 3-4 weeks is required for the completion of the project. More time may be necessary depending on the scope of the project.
- Video – Video projects require detailed planning, coordination and scheduling to complete. For event coverage, a request should be sent at least 2 weeks prior to the event for scheduling and then allow another 3 weeks for editing and production. For news coverage, expect a minimum of 3-4 weeks to plan and shoot the video, followed by a minimum of 3-4 weeks for editing and production.
What can I expect once I contact PROMO?
Once you complete the Request for Services form, one of PROMO's team members will get back to you within a few days to let you know if we can fulfill your request and when you can expect the service to be completed. In determining how we can assist you best, we may ask for additional materials. Proposals, websites and previous coverage help us understand what you have going on. For news releases, newsletter stories or social media, we often need to schedule a brief interview and photoshoot that typically take 30-45 minutes. For more in-depth media development, additional meetings may be required.
Does PROMO provide photo services?
If you require the services of a photographer, please contact University Photo Services through their webpage.
Photo Services -
What are the elements of a good news story?
Solving a real-world problem. The more relatable to the general public your work is, the better. For example, could your research help people lose weight, help stroke victims recover, or lead to paint that repairs itself like skin?
Timeliness. Are you an expert on a topic that you saw on today’s front page? It could be worth offering you as an expert or putting together a release.
The cool factor. This is intangible but can help capture attention. Does your research fire people’s imaginations? Good examples include research involving outer space, seahorse-inspired robots, and students making animated films.
Prestige. We’re always interested in putting together stories when your work appears in highly prestigious journals, such as Science and Nature, or when you win highly prestigious awards.
Large dollar amounts. Money isn’t the only factor, but the higher the dollar amount, the more attention-grabbing the story.
Economic development. Could your research, conference, or other work help create jobs or go the extra mile in making people employable?
A story behind the story. For example, did you have to go to extraordinary lengths to do your research or win your award? Or were you inspired to do your research because of an emotional event you’re willing to share with a mass audience?
What if I'm asked to participate in another institution's media release?
If it sounds like a good idea, go for it! We are available to proofread the story to ensure that you and the college are well represented. Email the proposed release to Paul Alongi at We can also help provide pictures to supplement the release.
What suggestions do you have for an interview?
Be honest.
Return emails and calls as soon as possible. Reporters are working under tight deadlines. A returned call or email is very much appreciated, even if it’s just to say, “Sorry, not available today. Can we talk next week?” Of course, it’s preferable to grant the interview at the time approached whenever possible.
Speak simply. Reporters are trying to tell your story to an audience that includes many non-engineers and non-scientists and many whose education has not reached your level.
What to wear. Business casual is usually most appropriate. There is no need to put on a suit unless that is what you normally wear. Avoid jeans, T-shirts, and other casual wear. When you’re on TV, avoid solid black, solid white, or extremely busy patterns. It’s always appreciated when you wear Clemson colors or something with a Tiger Paw. When in the lab, please wear any necessary safety equipment.
On Video/TV. Talk to the reporter and try to forget the camera is there. If something didn’t come out quite the right way, you could ask the reporter to repeat it, and they will usually accommodate. When the photographer is getting shots of you working in the lab, try to ignore the camera and do what you normally would.
Contact Us
If you have additional questions about our services, please send us an email. To begin a project or request services from the PROMO team, complete the Request for Services form and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
Video Transcript
An aerial view over campus buildings is shown on a sunny morning.
Two men in hard hats and safety vests look up at a wind turbine.
Two men discuss the interior of a large conduit with light coming in from outside the large opening.
Many students walk across the Library Bridge. The bridge is often crowded with students as they make their way between classes.
Purple letters spelling "Clemson University Civil Engineering" are on the side of a golf cart. Two graduate civil engineering students are using the cart as they prepare to survey the campus sidewalks for an accessibility project. They both help to set up the surveying equipment.
Four females are in a lab, looking over a blue device that holds samples.
The same device is seen again with two males and one female sitting in front of it, with a pen, paper, and a calculator. The students fade as a white Tiger Paw comes into focus in the center of the screen. The video concludes.